Onboarding questions also for invited members❓
I actually wonder why invited members should not have to go through the full onboarding process.... The only thing you want to achieve with the invitation is that the invitee doesn't need any more approval to join the community, while someone who joins the community via the 'Join' button should still be approved first. Or am I making a mistake in thinking there?
I know many use one of the onboarding questions to collect the email address, which would then be redundant for the invitees because you usually already have their email address. A simple solution here would be to provide the data such as name, answers to the onboarding questions, and email address for the group administrator in a downloadable CSV file.
The attached video illustrates the idea of a generally mandatory onboarding process for all (including invited).
What's your take on this? Onboarding process for all (and downloadable CSV file for mail addresses).
P.S The trigger firing at the end of the video is from another context...
Yes, I would also like to see a mandatory onboarding process for everyone
No, I think it's better that the invitation skips the onboarding process
Something else - please explain in the comments
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12 votes
Oli Reitmaier
Onboarding questions also for invited members❓
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