Nobody reading your group posts?
I haven't added a single human to my group yet, but I know the pain of not getting engagement on a post... be it on skool, facebook, linkedin, email etc...
One of the big mistakes I see is trying to make the message appeal to your entire audience. That often leads to really watered down messaging that doesn't engage. Stuff like "Want to grow your business?" See how weak that is?
You'd be a lot better off writing multiple posts, that each go directly at a significant problem some subset of your community has. For example, maybe something like "What to do if your client ghosts after you send your proposal."
That's a specific situation some of the audience can relate to direclty, and some of the audience may be in that situation right now. So your post is likely to get engagement and genuinely help people. And that's what it's all about, right?
So, the takeaway is to write posts that make a big impact to somebody, instead of a weak impact to everybody. Then just make more of them to increase your relevance to more and more of your community. (This helps always have something to say too.)
Ok, that's all for now.
In your corner,
Jordan Blackman
Nobody reading your group posts?
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