Sep '24 (edited) in Product Feedback
My Journey to Level 9.
I joined skool January 19th.
The two weeks prior, I had no idea what I was going to do with my life. I was working as a remote closer on offers that eventually fiselled out. I didn't have much money to my name and I knew I was destined for more.
I'd said the same thing to myself every year. This is the year I will turn my talents into something more. I came to the cross-roads of two different avenues to take. Podcast Advertising (concept) or Skool. I decided to try out the skool thing but didn't really see the value in it until I saw that classic Hormozi photo.
There was this concept thrown around, Growth Operating. I had some cool connections and people I knew in my network that I thought "Hey, you could do well at this online community thing" I landed a few people in the next couple weeks of February and started to learn everything I could about skool.
I watched videos, podcasts and obsessed over every single thing you could do on skool. The thing with all of this though is that I wasn't making much money. I didn't really hit my first $1000 until about 3 months into skool.
Then everything changed. I was awake at 2:30am in the morning when I had this crazy idea to launch a community called GIF (thanks for the push, I love u) the idea was to build a community just for the memes. So instead of doing something that actually took me from broke to staying afloat, I went more in the rears. (classic I know)
GIF took off. Members started joining every day, sometimes 2 members would join, that cha-ching was ringing and I coudln't be happier.
But you wanna know who wasn't happy? Everyone around me because I kept telling them "This is going to change my life just stick with me on this". Was posting GIFs really going to change my life? probably not but I just had this utter belief something good was going to come of it. So I stayed broke and stayed stupidly commited to making skool work.
GIF got the attention of the people I looked up to, the people who ran skool. It was one of the first communties that proved you could quite literally build a community around any niche topic and if you spoke about it, people would come. I held the party, people showed up. It was my first a-ha moment with skool.
During this whole time I put a lot of focus on helping others with skool. I used to say I was the weekend tech support because skool didn't have many moderators as the community was a little smaller than what it is today. I knew where everything was and how it was used so I could always comment on literally every post. This was back when people would ask the basics and I just liked to help them navigate this software I had fell in love with. It became a game for because I'd challenge myself to activities and how many people I could help.
It wasn't until I had a conversation with that my financial trajectory on skool changed. He knew how much money I need to stay afloat and keep skool my full-time gig and this is how I made my first 5k. I sold an offer to people helping them with their retention. Instead of just focusing on the features I started to monestise how to actually make communties more engaging. I knew how to shift the culture and get people commenting on posts which inherently made those members stay longer in a community. This is what I got really good at and set the tone for me today.
After the success I had with my clients, I started to work with more people at the start of their time on skool and this is what took me to the skool games. I got to meet Hormozi and Leila and share my knowledge with my skill with them in the recordings. I also learned that I didn't know everything and that my biggest month to date would come from what I learned from them.
Investing in yourself is so key to your growth and following in the footsteps before you are inherently what allow you to grow the fastest.
And through all of this, I've made so many friendships. I've been hit up a few times now from some people trying to push ghostwriting for me. It's a great offer but I recently realised why I personally would never by this. It's because of these friendships I've made.
I would never send someone on my behalf to a party for me.
I am me and who I am is who (I hope) people on skool have loved to be around and wanted to connect with.
Skool is a community that we all love. We all are here to better ourselves and to share a part of us online with all of our friends and people we connect with. I wouldn't change this for the world or to save myself time. I genuinely love being here and connecting with each and every one of you.
My skool journey is still in it's infancy, I'm sure I'll look back on this post and go 'lol' but I know from my time so far this is needed and it's something I want to share.
I wanted to personally thank for your faith in me and your belief in what I can do. You have helped me more than you know and I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for you. You have had a huge impact of my growth as a person and an entreprenuer and I thanking you for this is the least I can do.
mateeeeee. You've called every move I've had. You've truly witnessed and forecasted my growth here on skool. I'm honoured to call you a friend and be apart of this with you. Thank you for everything you have done for me.
To the boys and . Thanks for putting up with my shit in your communities. You guys have made everything 10x more fun and I aspire to be in your league of entrepreneruship one day. I'm so excited to keep growing alongside you all.
And to my <3 Thank you for always being by my side. You've seen every up and every down and have stuck with me through it all. To now have you be so invested in skool with me is a dream come true. You make my world better with everything you do. I love you.
Alright, you can go and post some lit fuckin GIFs in the comments now,
Ryan Duncan
My Journey to Level 9.
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