Menu on profile pages πŸ”
For a better user experience, the profile page should also have the main menu. Have noticed this here before in another context regarding the UX and it always strikes me.
When I'm on a profile page and want to go to the classroom or calendar, for example, it takes me two clicks to get there. The main menu, which takes up very little screen real estate (in mobile view then as a burger menu or burger submenu), would allow me to get there with one click and generally give me better orientation.
Faster and easier navigation makes the platform easy to use. Is it possible without: Of course! But shouldn't the aspiration be to make Skool as simple and user-friendly as possible?
What are your thoughts on this? Main menu also on profile pages?
Yes, a menu on the profile pages would make Skool more user-friendly
Nah, nobody needs a main menu there
Something else - please comment...
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7 votes
Oli Reitmaier
Menu on profile pages πŸ”
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