Members Database To Add Into Our SKOOL Platform
Hello everyone,
I work with a company who offers courses on SKOOL and we would like to develop a members data base in our skool website.
This project will allow us to have an accessible database. It will be like a group of cards of members with their infos and links, a small bio and pictures.
Each card will redirect to the member's profile with more infos on them.
This databse will be accessible by members only and we will give the members the chance to add their card by filling in all their infos.
Therfore, I would like to know how can we develop this project inside of skool. Will it be an integration of a pluging ? developing an internal tool within skool? etc
Here is an example of what we would like to achieve.
Thank you in advance for your help and replies.
Zahra Zemmouri
Members Database To Add Into Our SKOOL Platform
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