Idea: Let us change the favicon.
One thing I love about Skool is all the attention to the little things.
So here's a little detail Skool may want to address:
When I'm in my group, the favicon should be the icon I upload in the settings of my Skool group - not the Skool logo.
Benefits of this update:
  • it's a nice touch that shows attention to detail
  • it shows Skool cares about their group owners/customers
  • it offers group owners/customers more of a sense of ownership
  • my customers won't recognize the skool logo in the tab, but they'll recognize my group icon, so they'll be more likely to click it and not close it
  • it will give all the "pro white labelers" (like ) here on Skool something to be happy about :)
Ted Carr
Idea: Let us change the favicon.
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