I made $11,202 as a Skool Affiliate
I'm a full time content creator and course creator using Skool.
I created my first Skool group in 2021.
In 2022, I migrated all of my course students over.
In 2023, I began promoting my affiliate link to Skool.
In 2024, I received the benefits of compound interest with my Skool affiliate link.
Just checked my account to see I've officially made $11,202 in affiliate commissions.
As a content creator, this is an easy passive income stream (and a lot easier in my opinion than running a low ticket membership which I once had)
How I did it (and how you can too):
✅ Have my Skool affiliate link at my link in my bio on Instagram
✅ Add it to all of my YouTube descriptions
✅ Add it to all of my podcast show notes
✅ Created trainings inside of my paid programs on how to use Skool
✅ Talk about it to all of my friends and clients because I love the product so much
✅ Send it as a hyperlink to clients, followers, peers when they ask me about Skool
✅ Have it linked as a shortcut on my iPhone to easily send to people
✅ Setup a ManyChat Auto-DM so anytime I post about Skool, I have people reply "SKOOL" and it automatically sends them the link
✅ Add it to the descriptions of all my Skool groups (where you can embed a link)
Hope this helps :)
Road to $10k/mo in affiliate commissions - here I come 🎉🤑
Giulia Guerrieri
I made $11,202 as a Skool Affiliate
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