Aug 1 (edited) in Strategy
How to Monetize of Your Audience💸
In order to monetize your audience, you need to have an audience to sell to!
One of the questions I get asked the most is,
“How do I build my audience?”
In this post - I’m going to be providing the answers to this question.
There are 5 steps to building and monetising your audience.
  1. Identify Your Audience
This is the very first step.
If you have an offer already - find out who’s going to benefit the most from your offer. That is your audience.
If you don’t have an offer, pick an audience you want to help and work with.
Keep in mind what are you REALLY good at?
What problem can you confidently solve and who will benefit the most from your knowledge/expertise?
Once you know who you want to help, find out which social media platform they’re in and what kind of content they like to consume.
✅Show Up Daily
When you’re showing up where your target
are, creating content that interest them, you will get noticed and discovered.
Your audience will become aware of you and be attracted to you because of the content you share.
Share stories and valuable information that interests them to catch their attention.
✅ Interact and Build Connections
Interact with your audience by showing your love and support on their content.
Leave genuine and thoughtful comments on their content, and not vague comments like,
“Great share”,
“Thanks for sharing”.
“Love it!”
These comments don’t stand out and make you blend in with everyone else.
Remember: the goal here is to show up and get noticed to be remembered and build connections.
When you interact and add value to people’s life, they will be drawn to you and your energy.
When you send a friend or follow request, you won’t be met with a side eye! In fact, you’re request will be welcomed immediately!
Add people you interact with as friends to increase your pool of buyers.
✅ Build Trust
When you position yourself as an authority by sharing your expertise, people start trusting you.
And where there is trust, sale follows.
It’s natural.
You won’t buy from someone you don’t trust or never heard about.
Share content that educate, excite them and builds credibility.
Create content/resources that’s linked to the interests of your audience, such as content/lead magnets around the main problem they’re having and how to solve it.
For example: If you are selling Roadmap, you can share your knowledge and experience you gained with the course or a specific part of the course.
✅ Sell
If you are doing a good job providing value to your audience and building trust,
Then selling your offer will be effortless.
Your audience already knows, likes and trusts you.
Through your content that you share, your audience also knows what kind of problem you solve and the value you provide.
Share content where you’re talking about your offer and how it can help achieve their goals.
Be clear and descriptive with what your offer is all about and what’s included.
At this point, your audience will make a buying decision.
If they got enough value from you and your offer is irresistible, then it will be an easy “yes”.
There are many people who need your help and guidance.
Stop sleeping.
Wake up and start showing up, building your community at Skool and providing value and support to your audience !
Then watch how money rolls in!!🙌
“The more people you help, the more money you make!”. Said by some wise person! :-)
Mizbah Rauf
How to Monetize of Your Audience💸
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