I know that there are a lot of opinions on the new feature of 1 time payment/lifetime for joining a community.
Some are happy. Some are totally against it. Some don't care either way.
But if it is going to be here as a permanent thing, could you please reconsider the wording on it?
This is why.. I won't be recommending this option normally, but there are a few cases where I would say it could work.
However, I hate the lifetime word for this.
You don't go to the store and buy an iPhone or a Laptop thinking this is a Lifetime purchase. It's meant to be good for awhile, but I'm not expecting to be 80yrs old with this same keyboard.
The same goes with a course or something else online or even I remember my mom buying a newer version of Microsoft Word something.. that didn't last a "lifetime".
It feels like such a bullshit FLUFF word.
In fact, there are a good bit of people that have sold "lifetime" deals on things and they only used it to close a sale, because they damn sure did not deliver results and that lifetime access did not last longer than a few months.. if even that. Very sketchy salesman for most. (not all)
Let's say someone archives the community. They ran out of money after they got so many 1 time lifetime payments, and decided to scrap that community. The theory being discussed is the members can still access the community and see the content inside.. that may work for some, but not all. Yes, you can see the posts, the classroom pages, the videos embedded... but you can not download any files that are added like PDFs or resource links.
Still not lifetime access for all.
My recommendation is just don't use the word lifetime. Don't need to replace it with another word either. Just put "Join $Price" or just "$Price" or "You get access..", because it'll mean the same either way and it helps get away from the fluffy stuff that doesn't have real meaning.
Here are examples of how it shows up on discovery, the about page, and when you go to sign up. I've blocked out the person doing this, because they don't need anyone's opinion on using the feature.. I just needed an example.
That's my request, but I'd also like to know what others think about this..