8 Tricks to Make Your (Paid or Free) Skool Community Way Better for Everyone
Want to run a successful (paid or free) community on Skool? You can do it! ❤️
I started with 0 paid members and now have 245 🎉
This video will pull back the curtains and show you:
✅ How to make all your new members thrilled to join you & even refer friends.
💪 How to make sure your members stick with you and make progress.
❌ How to reduce cancellations (& make them painless when they do happen).
🤓 How to reduce your customer support load
➕ And lots more.
I go through a list of 8 key things I either see people screw up all the time, or that I had to learn the hard way... then I give you 2 bonus tips at the very end.
If you have any questions about setting up or optimizing your own Skool community, comment below or shoot me a DM with your question.
Thanks again to , , for making this platform so awesome!
Just watched it, super helpful.
Just watched it, not very helpful...
Going to watch this later :)
Probably not going to watch this video.
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32 votes
Ted Carr
8 Tricks to Make Your (Paid or Free) Skool Community Way Better for Everyone
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