Coaches Corner
Private group
10 members
$99 /month
Welcome to Coaches Corner where I help coaches get leads, make sales and transform lives!
Hi, I'm Jordan Vonk and for the last 14 years, I've been obsessed with becoming the very best coach I can be.
With that mission in mind I've spent over 100k on personal development, coach certifications, sales and marketing training and more...
Plus, I've invested thousands of hours honing these skills into simple, repeatable frameworks you to deploy in your own business so can make more money, in less time, with less stress, this means you can focus primarily on transforming lives!
Join Today For Instant Access:
- Library of coaching workshops to build skills for sales, marketing and impact.
- Weekly 1-1 calls + group calls where I will help you master sales, marketing, offer creation and much more!
Click the Join Group button to join now and let's start growing your business starting today!
Blue skies,
Jordan Vonk
P.S The currency is USD in case you were wondering (it's still a massively good deal...)
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Private group
Helping coaches master sales and marketing!
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