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How I passed the CISSP exam.
I started in Sept 2024 Exam Date Dec 7 2024 Completed in 1h 30m Question 110? My exam was mostly the wordy questions, maybe 5 one line questions. I was between projects and felt this would be a good time to get this off of my plate. I had no specific routine, just used something on my list. Now I would say that I spent most of my time in practice questions/exams. I felt that was a way to weed out what I knew. If I was really weak in an area I would use both books and freshen up my knowledge. I did a lot of QOD (Question of the day) or a quick 10 in the apps, this could be anytime when I first got up, before bed, if I woke up in the middle of the night, waiting at a doctors office etc. If I began to memorize the answers to questions I would move to another app, or in the case of LearnZapp I would go through all of the questions in 1 domain. I noticed as I was doing questions, my average time was in the 17 seconds range sometimes less, but my score was not changing very much. So I devised my own hack to get a feeling for time. I set my phone to 1 minute 20 seconds (3 hours divided by 125 questions = 1 m 26 s) The I would take a Quick 10 or maybe 30 questions, watching the clock, even if I knew the answer at least let a minute go by to "feel" how much time was left. Android Apps CISSP Test 3.6.0 (Free Version) 20% of the questions Pocket Prep 3.19.0 (2 Months of Premium) to access 1000 question CISSP - CCSP - SSCP - ISC2 Official 25.2.3 (Free Version) LearnZapp Online Classes (Buy when on sale) Udemy - CISSP Certification - Thor Pedersen - Watched a few times, then just listened to like a podcast - ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (2024) Cert Prep - Mike Chapple - Free through local library watched about 1/3 Secbay Bootcamp - group buy - these were my last 5 days of studying, as my exam was Saturday. YouTube Pete Zerger - Inside Cloud and Security -
New comment 6h ago
Provisionally Passed at #100 the 24th
Adrenaline rush, this morning I passed 😅 , what did I use? Al Whole lott, 🤯 perhaps I'm unable to inclusive all, i divide it in 2 parts.. quantitative and qualitative ;) Qualitative : - First global overview with the Pete Youtube Video's (feel the knowledge needed, can I do it..) - Started first Learnzapp assement, which domains are shortage in knowledge - Get the official study guide (10th Edition) it covers new territory - Breakdown the learning 'blackspots' subjects, domain after domain. So I selected in learnzap 1 domain after the other. - Take notice of the Best Practice tips, eliminating, sesamstreat, (in the exam I found myself on a Time Stress path...) - On of my black spots (during Learnzapp) was to select multiple answer where it says "All that apply" - Took my own time to read every answer and really understand each answer on each question. Why it is what it is - Discussion with Chatgpt about the English Grammer / Meaning, I was struggling some words. Quantitative - Mainly I used learnzap, 25 questions in the "Apps Smart Logic" it envolves - To add the more 'strange' hard questions I added : - Andrew Paused the question answered first myself - Halfway I discovered "CISSP Study Group" from Vincent, valuable information!! 😀 - Gwen - I partly used Mike Chapple on Linkedln - to much video's to slow, even on 1.75 speed. - I loved the free video's on During the study I noticed myself in conflict with answers from Andrew / Gwen / Pete etc etc. I think it could be me.... So to be sure, I only tried to find an answer in the Official Study guide, not in the Last Mile from Peter of DestCert material. It's older, so my idea was, look it up in the official one and make my own choice, imagination.
New comment 8d ago
Provisionally Passed at #100 the 24th
Reposting non-technical strategies that worked for me === Let me add some NON-TECHNICAL tips for those that are interested (the sources I would mention are all well covered by others successful veterans - DestCert, Pete Zerger, Prabh Nair, Sybex, etc....) I just want to mention what I have not seen mentioned enough. 1. Take at least 1 minute/question: Do _not_ fly - except for the few one liners that are simply tech knowledge. You have a maximum of 150 questions; There's still 30 minutes left after that. Aim to use the full 3 hours. Kick back, relax and re-read the questions before your look at the answers. What, you gotta be some place else? 2. Decide on ONE book and read it: OSG/Shon Harris/DestCert/whatever. Most will not pass without a good old highlighter-killing session everyday for at least a month. 3. Use Mnemonics: There's too much to retain without memory aids. 4. Kick the Gremlins: As I said in my happy post above - as you get closer to the exam, you get that familiar feeling that you shoulda studied harder/earlier/more... guess what,you did. 5. "Put that mouse down and step away" : During the test - please keep your hands away until you have read the question many times and have absolutely decided on the answer. No hovering the cursor. ==== You got this. 👍
Exam is done …..
Alhamdulillah. I'm thrilled to share that I provisionally passed my CISSP today! I honestly didn't expect it, but I'm incredibly grateful for the support and information that helped me get through it. Thank you so much!
New comment 19d ago
Provisionally I passed the CISSP Exam
An hour ago I passed my CISSP exam after 3+ months of intensive study (and 25 years of work experience mostly in InfoSec/Cyber Security 🥳) Here are what I would recommend as valuable and effective resources for preparing for the exam: 1- OSG (Mike Chapple) and The official Practice tests 2- Thor Pederson boot camp and questions bank on Udemy 3- LearnZapp, is a great tool for question, flashcards and simulated tests 4- Pete Zerger 8 domains video, you may use it for final review a week or two before the exam (he also have few nice videos for important tropic 5- Like Ahmed (Think like a manager) is good resource for learning analytic technique answering the questions 6- Rob at Cert Destiney Mind Map all 8 domains are great help 7- Make Chapple Cert Mike videos on YouTube 8- Shon Harris All In One (great question bank and test simulation) 9- And finally joining this wonderful group and exchange knowledge on daily basis Many thanks to Vincent, and I am planning to stay on the group as my learning plan will continue with new learning. Thanks to every member on this great group and wish all of you to get it done :)
New comment 19d ago
Provisionally I passed the CISSP Exam
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