Let me add some NON-TECHNICAL tips for those that are interested (the sources I would mention are all well covered by others successful veterans - DestCert, Pete Zerger, Prabh Nair, Sybex, etc....) I just want to mention what I have not seen mentioned enough.
- Take at least 1 minute/question: Do _not_ fly - except for the few one liners that are simply tech knowledge. You have a maximum of 150 questions; There's still 30 minutes left after that. Aim to use the full 3 hours. Kick back, relax and re-read the questions before your look at the answers. What, you gotta be some place else?
2. Decide on ONE book and read it: OSG/Shon Harris/DestCert/whatever. Most will not pass without a good old highlighter-killing session everyday for at least a month.
3. Use Mnemonics: There's too much to retain without memory aids.
4. Kick the Gremlins: As I said in my happy post above - as you get closer to the exam, you get that familiar feeling that you shoulda studied harder/earlier/more... guess what,you did.
5. "Put that mouse down and step away" : During the test - please keep your hands away until you have read the question many times and have absolutely decided on the answer. No hovering the cursor.
You got this. ๐