Private group
72 members
$19 /month
When you enter, you'll get access to a community of like-minded people, and all the resources you need to achieve your health & fitness goals in 2024.
What You Get Inside:
✅ Calisthenics Course For Beginners (16 weeks)
✅ Beginner Female Calisthenics (4 weeks)
✅ Muscle Up System (6 Weeks)
✅ Learn To Handstand(12 Weeks)
✅ Full Mobility Course
✅ Follow Along Workouts
✅ Community: a committed group of individuals on the same journey as you.
Upcoming Course & Programs
➡️ Master The V-sit
➡️ Learn The Split
➡️ Lean The Midsplit
➡️ Handstand Press
➡️ Handstand Pushups
👉 Gain access to Calixpert for only $19/month (Cancel whenever you want)
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Teaching people how to learn Calisthenics skills with programs and courses. Learn from experts in the Calisthenics field.
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