Body Energetix
Private group
13 members
By entering this community, you promise to:
Keep personal shares from other people private; remove their names from social media shares if you don't have their permission.
Be kind and respectful. This space is largely about reconnecting with our Inner Child and Teen and healing our relationships with our caregivers, body, and food, so be aware that what might be easy for you might be hard for someone else.
It's a judgment-free zone:
You can discuss triggers in our energetic shift in society, but don't attack someone for their beliefs.
You are responsible for your results and triggers. I am sharing information from my expertise in fitness and personal experience. Consider medical or psychiatric support and use tools at your own risk.
Privacy and terms
Body Energetix
Body Energetix Community to use my 3-Part System to renew your mind, regulate your emotions & regenerate your body.
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