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Success With My Morning M.A.G.I.C.
Several years ago I came up with a ONE-HOUR Morning Routine called, 𝓜𝔂 𝓜𝓸𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬, MMM, to keep me focused daily. This routine, if followed, will help you live a conscious life, a life designed by you instead of reacting to life's events. 𝓜𝔂 𝓜𝓸𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬 is very simple n here's how it works: M = MINDFUL MEDIATION - 10 min A = ACTIVE - move that body - 20 min G = GRATITUDE - 10 min I = INSPIRATION - read, listen, write, journal - 15 min C = CHOOSE ONE thing to complete today, work at it until done, then move to next task - 5 min You can also habit stack and increase the time on any part of MMM, e.g. When working out, I plug in and listen to an audiobook or Podcast, therefore, I can increase my mediation time (M) and habit stack (A + I). Once the hour is up, shower, get dressed for work, eat b'fast or if you're doing Intermittent Fasting, start by drinking 1/2 fresh squeezed lemon, pinch of Himalayan salt n warm water -->> drink with a straw coz lemon will wear down the enamel in your teeth. /* And that's the END of this simple morning routine, which is responsible for a life well lived. */ Please share your morning routine -- you'll inspire others toward their mindset journey.
New comment 5h ago
Success With My Morning M.A.G.I.C.
Lessons Learned
Trying to be better on writing down the things I learn from day to day. Here it is: 1. You will never get anywhere without good boundaries. If you allow people to walk all over you for the sake of keeping them, you will lose yourself in the process. 2. Trust your gut intuition, if you feel like something isn’t right, it probably isn’t. Your intuition will keep you safe. 3. Networking is one of the key components of business. Especially as an entrepreneur, you are your business. If people don’t know you exist, you won’t go far. 4. Learn from everyone you meet. Be open to relationships you might not have typically been open to. You can learn something (good or bad) from everyone you meet. Take the time to listen, learn, and ask good questions. This will get you far. This is what I’ve learned so far today. I’m super excited about the doors that are opening for me because I decided to step out of mine.
New comment 2d ago
One of The Secrets to Success. . .
Everything you want in life is on the other side of something that . . .
New comment Oct '24
One of The Secrets to Success. . .
Timeless Wisdom for a Fulfilling Journey
"Let the child within come out and play": Rediscover the magic of joy and playfulness in your work. Life is too short not to love what you do. Embrace your inner child and find passion in your pursuits. "Protect your heart": Be cautious and safeguard your heart. Remember that not everyone has your best interests in mind. Prioritize self-care and healthy relationships. "Together we thrive": Remember that we are meant to support and serve one another. By embracing the joy found in helping others and providing value to the world, we create a cycle of abundance and fulfillment for ourselves and our community. "Be limitless, refuse to wear any label": Believe in your abilities and shed self-imposed limitations and societal labels. You are more than a label, you're more than your education, you're more than your title, remember, you are destined for greatness. Embrace your potential and trust yourself. "Failure is FEEDBACK": Do work that is meaningful to you, even if it involves the risk of failure. It's better to pursue something you believe in than to never have tried at all. See failures as opportunities for growth. "Shine bright like a diamond": Never let external forces dim the brilliant light within you. Our DNA interacts with biophotons, an inner light that no one can extinguish. Let your inner light shine, radiating positivity and resilience. "Dream BIG Dreams": If your life isn't aligning with your dreams, don't be afraid to pivot. The human mind is capable of change. Take control and create the life you truly desire. "Change your mind, change your life." -- said by many!! "Trust in a higher source": Know that you are part of something greater. When we observe the universe's harmony and self-correcting nature, it becomes clear that we are all connected. Embrace faith and let it guide you on your journey. "Embrace gratitude and kindness": Nurture a grateful spirit and extend kindness to others, as well as yourself. These practices create a sense of fulfillment, deepen connections, and enrich your life's journey.
New comment Oct '24
Timeless Wisdom for a Fulfilling Journey
#1 Secret Ingredient for Business Success. It’s NOT What You Think 🤔
Do you believe you can build a successful online business? Many entrepreneurs n business owners struggle with limiting beliefs that hold them back from achieving financial success. As Henry Ford once said, "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't—you're right." If you don't believe in yourself, you won't even try. You might give it a 1/2 a$$ attempt, just so you can proudly say "At least I tried!" But as Yoda famously said, "Do or do not. There is no try." 💡Most successful Digital Entrepreneurs didn't believe they could win at first. But they put in the work, stayed consistent, and did what it took to succeed. Period!! As Winston Churchill said, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." 💡Anyone can achieve financial success if they're willing to do what it takes. But you have to give it your all. As Les Brown said, "It's better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one, than to have an opportunity and not be prepared." Building a successful business will probably be harder and take longer than you think. But let me tell you, it's totally worth it!! “The joy of freedom is the elixir of life.” — ZAK Have a productive Wednesday! 🤩 It’s my mother’s birthday 🥳 When I was 26 y/o and told her, “my boss’ biz partner advised me to start my Technical Training company.” My mother asked, “What do you need to start your own business?” —>> that’s all I need to hear, to have my boss’ biz partner n my mother believe in me. Opportunities are everywhere, and the people who have unwavering belief in thyself are the ones who succeed. “Have a silent knowing you can, and you’ll break invisible glass ceilings.” — ZAK
New comment Sep '24
#1 Secret Ingredient for Business Success. It’s NOT What You Think 🤔
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Blank Napkin
If you're a Coach, Creator or Passionate about a topic, scribble your ideas on a blank napkin and let's turn your dreams into an Online Business!!
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