I know it's time-consuming to sit through long YT videos to obtain the key points, and even if my ears are tuned to 2x speed, it still takes a chunk of my time. Now, if I really wanna get all the details, I will sit through the video, no question!! However, there are a lotta videos where you just wanna get the key takeaways, and here's an example of how I do it -- if you have a better method, please share below.
- Go to YouTube -- e.g. Skool Stories Interviews by Matthew Thompson @ Skool
- I'll select Matthew's 1st video he did with Andrew Kirby (scroll to the bottom)
- Right click the video >> Copy link address (1st Screenshot)
- Head over to ChatGPT and use the following prompt:
"summarize [Insert YT link] organize info for easy reading, highlight key takeaways and action steps"
5.ChatGPT will do a pretty good job!! (2nd Screenshot)
Alternatively, you can install a Google Chrome Extension to do it right in YT:
- Head over to: https://chromewebstore.google.com/category/extensions
- Search: "YouTube Summary"
- Install one you like
- I personally use: https://notegpt.io/
- Once you sign up to NoteGPT and login, you will see it on all your YT videos (3rd Screenshot)
- NoteGPT serves up a preeeety nice lil' MindMap .PNG file (4th Screenshot)
Hope this was helpful, and if you have a favourite way to summarizing long YouTube Videos, please share in the comments -- we're all here to learn and better leverage our time.