What's your brand's personality?
Your business puts off a personality - that's your BRAND.
Either accidentally or intentionally, when people think of your business, products, or services they get a feeling about them.
For example, when you think about Starbucks vs. Black Rifle Coffee Company, you get a different feeling right?
Take a look at the graphic below, sit with your team, and start having a conversation about what your brand represents NOW.
Then take a step back and answer the questions.
How do you WANT to be perceived?
Who does your dream customer need you to be?
Really think about that.
Once you decide, then what do you need to change?
Does your logo represent that new personality?
Your colors?
Your website?
How do you answer the phone?
It goes deep.
馃憠 I want you to answer the poll right now, to answer with your GUT instinct.
Who do you think your dream customers need you to be for them right now?
(You can read more about those archetypes here: https://iconicfox.com.au/brand-archetypes/)
I have limited quiz options so I'll group similar ones together...
Comment below as well with your thoughts.
The Outlaw, Magician or Hero (Leave a Legacy)
The Everyman, Jester or Lover (Purse Connection)
The Creator, Ruler or Caregiver (Provide Structure)
The Innocent, Sage or Explorer (Explore Spirituality)
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3 votes
Brad Parnell
What's your brand's personality?
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