Let's Talk VSL's...
A good video sales letter (VSL) is a video that effectively promotes a product or service and invites the viewer to make a purchase. There are some key elements that help make your VSL effective.
  1. A compelling and clear message. The VSL should clearly communicate the benefits of the product or service and why the viewer should buy.
  2. A strong call to action. Be CLEAR about what the next steps are. The VSL should include a strong call to action that encourages the viewer to take the next step, whether it’s making a purchase or signing up for more information. Make sure the CTA isn’t confusing. (Remember: A confused mind will always say no!)
  3. A credible spokesperson (this can be YOU!) The VSL should feature a credible spokesperson who can deliver the message in a believable and trustworthy way. This doesn’t have to be a celebrity. This can be YOU! Chances are, you know the most have the most conviction, so say it with confidence!
BONUS: Including video testimonials from satisfied consumers can help build trust and credibility with the viewer, however, if your business/offer/product is brand new, you probably don’t have testimonials. A good VSL should be decently-produced (iPhone cameras are more than capable of great video) and clearly communicate the value of the product or service, and include a strong call to action to convince the viewer that taking action is a no brainer!
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Logan Mulligan
Let's Talk VSL's...
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