How long should my Facebook Ad Video be?
Sometimes, when we go to shoot a Facebook Ad Video, we start with an explosion of ideas of what needs to go in the video, all the background info about our business, our grandmother's maiden name, etc...
Stop right there.
A Facebook Ad shouldn't be where you give your life story. Keep it specific to the offer.
Your Facebook Ad should be the curiosity hook, or the catalyst that gets your dream customer to say "tell me more". We're all about frameworks here, because they give us specific parameters to run our experiments within (because marketing is just an experiment). Here's a simple framework to follow when shooting your Facebook Ad video.
Problem -> Solution -> Outcome -> Call To Action
Problem - Push into the pain point that your dream customer has that can be resolved by your product or service. Don't mention your product or service yet, and don't even introduce yourself yet. Focus on pushing into the pain.
Solution - This is where you talk about your product or service as it pertains to that pain point. Position your offer as a no-brainer. Making a good offer is a whole other Skool post, but your offer should be so good, that it keeps you up at night. Low barrier to entry leaves room for tons of value.
Outcome - How is your dream client going to feel after your Solution solves their Problem? Sell that outcome, not all the steps it takes to get there. The "after" state is really what people are seeking.
Call To Action - Simple next steps. Fill out the form, give us a call, go to our website, come in on Tuesday at 2pm. What are the next steps? Keep it easy. Bonus points if you use a Facebook lead form ad.
So - how long should your video be? You're probably thinking you could power through these talking points pretty quick, and you'd be exactly right. Short and sweet. We like under 1:30, but lately, we've seen the sweet spot around 40 seconds to 1 minute. But don't focus too much on run time. Focus on the framework.
Have fun and happy shooting.
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Logan Mulligan
How long should my Facebook Ad Video be?
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