In our AI Marketing Insider™Newsletter, we have been sharing well thought out prompts that will get you moving in the right direction & unlock your creative genius! With that said, we do not believe single prompts will get you "there". Getting the results you are looking for requires a process or a series of prompts to get really good output.
I was going to share the one we included in our most recent newsletter, but I got a question from a new student who's working her way through the AI Advantage Masterclass about training AI on your offers. She doesn't have an offer yet, so her question was "should I skip this part". And the short answer is "no". Rather, use it as an opportunity to brainstorm your offer with AI.
In our first issue of AI Marketing Insider™Newsletter, Kim shared a brainstorming prompt that's a great place to start when brainstorming any idea, whether it's fleshing out an offer or not. Go check out the marketing prompt here! If you give it a go, share your #AHA moments with us in the comments below.