Anxiety Coach
Private group
66 members
When you join Anxiety Coach you immediately get the Panic Pit Stop Workbook completely free. But, you have to answer the membership questions to activate this free offer. The link for the workbook will be sent to your email. This is just the beginning of your journey out of anxiety, but what a beginning it is!
There are Five key principles that we use in Anxiety Coach. (1. Anxiety is not don't need to have anxiety. (2. Anxiety is a mistake made by your brain. You need to retrain your brain to stop making the mistake. (3. Anxiety makes you do things that don't help, in fact, they make things worse. (4. You need an alternative to anxiety because without an alternative you have to have anxiety. (5. Correct practice defeats anxiety.
With these five principles in mind, we have created this community to support you through the journey out of panic, anxiety, depression, and stress. Join Today and take back control from anxiety.
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Anxiety Coach
A community of people who are determined to be rid of anxiety.
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