Are you asking her to be your girlfriend too soon?
“Will you be my girlfriend?” Says the Hedonic boy…
It’s been 5 weeks since they started talking and Kelvin is already wanting to marry her.
So eagerly without much thought… he springs the question with naive excitement.
Kelvin doesn’t realize what he just did.
But he just made the path towards a loving and joyous relationship MUCH harder then it needed to be…
Simply because he hasn’t built the patience and self-confidence of the AboveMan.
Kelvin deep down really knows why he asked her out so early.
He’s afraid of losing her because truthfully he doesn’t have confidence in himself.
Mixed with his inability to delay gratification.
He couldn’t wait any longer.
A foolish mistake.
Learn why in the newest episode of Boy2Man.
Check out how sick we look with the new glasses 😎.
With ‘delayed’ gratitude,
Cameron, Your Big Bro 👊
Cameron Russelle
Are you asking her to be your girlfriend too soon?
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