Top 40 MP3's of Skool CEO Sam Ovens 🎁
I have the privilege of sitting down and working next to Skool's CEO Sam Ovens everyday but... It wasn't always like this. When I was brand new to business, I would go for walks and long drives and listen to his YouTube videos on repeat everyday. My girlfriend thought I was insane 😆 But recently, Sam says he's thinking of taking all his old YouTube videos down. To prevent us from losing absolute gold, I took massive action and and downloaded the 40 most life changing YouTube videos Sam uploaded and converted them into Mp3's so I can have them forever and listen to them on the go. Want them? Comment "SAM" and I'll send them directly to your inbox. These are the 40 videos I used to watch on repeat to help me go from broke --> multi millionaire. Please don't share them with anyone. And know this: Everyone I know who has listened to these talks has ended up making more money as a direct result of thinking more like Sam. Now it's your turn. Enjoy.