The most Profit not Revenue with the Fewest members on Skool? ( Why ask? )
Who makes the most profit with the fewest members on Skool? ( ‘who’ doesn’t have to be a person but a Skool. ) It seems like it could be an inappropriate question, however I have noticed that the Skool community, unlike many, seems to be super transparent. Many people here share their numbers. Of course the marketing behind sharing the numbers is shared for a reason, to capture attention and potential clients. It’s the traditional make money marketing message, which I am all for. But as you already know you could make $10,000,000 in revenue and only break even. And there is a lot of hype in the online world as most of us here have probably experienced many times. Nonetheless… There is a lot of power in emulating those who have figured it out. For example… There are probably some on Skool who: 1. Have incredible profit margins… 2. Have a one or two person team, maximum. 3. Don’t have a huge number of members. 4. Yet, they are crushing it. 5. With a relatively simple system of adding incredible value to their clients. ( only organic advertising etc. ) It could be you already know who they are and are following them. If so would you share their name here? And if it is you, congratulations as well. I’m just cutting though the hype and seeking some wisdom from the Skoolers who have figured it out in the manner listed above. Also, if you have a better question to ask than the question shared here, do share. Better question, like, “What question do I not know to ask, that if I did would create an exponential transformation here?” Be blessed, Emeric Damian