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Skool Community

Public • 196.1k • Paid


Private • 852 • Free


Private • 54 • $4,999/y

518 contributions to Skool Community
Less Categories More Chances To Win Games | Skool Update
Skool just updated the Discovery categories! 👀 Here is what happened: - There are fewer categories now, so rankings might have shifted. - For Games, AI moved out of Hobbies and now has its own Tech section. This change means more chances to win in Skool Games, but also more competition in each category. 👇 What’s your ranking now? Did your category change?
New comment 6m ago
Less Categories More Chances To Win Games | Skool Update
5 likes • 6h
@Artin Asghari Definately, fw the update. A lot more fun for newer players as well.
5 likes • 6h
These balance patches be making the game a lot more fun 🤞
Goose and Nav at my house 🍋
I think @Goose Dunlavey is addicted to IRL meetups. And he's very good at Smash Bros!! Guess which character he plays tho 😉
New comment 4h ago
Goose and Nav at my house 🍋
5 likes • 7h
@Sam Ovens you must be new here
0 likes • 7h
@Daniel Bissonnette Definately means ice climbers
The most Profit not Revenue with the Fewest members on Skool? ( Why ask? )
Who makes the most profit with the fewest members on Skool? ( ‘who’ doesn’t have to be a person but a Skool. ) It seems like it could be an inappropriate question, however I have noticed that the Skool community, unlike many, seems to be super transparent. Many people here share their numbers. Of course the marketing behind sharing the numbers is shared for a reason, to capture attention and potential clients. It’s the traditional make money marketing message, which I am all for. But as you already know you could make $10,000,000 in revenue and only break even. And there is a lot of hype in the online world as most of us here have probably experienced many times. Nonetheless… There is a lot of power in emulating those who have figured it out. For example… There are probably some on Skool who: 1. Have incredible profit margins… 2. Have a one or two person team, maximum. 3. Don’t have a huge number of members. 4. Yet, they are crushing it. 5. With a relatively simple system of adding incredible value to their clients. ( only organic advertising etc. ) It could be you already know who they are and are following them. If so would you share their name here? And if it is you, congratulations as well. I’m just cutting though the hype and seeking some wisdom from the Skoolers who have figured it out in the manner listed above. Also, if you have a better question to ask than the question shared here, do share. Better question, like, “What question do I not know to ask, that if I did would create an exponential transformation here?” Be blessed, Emeric Damian
New comment 7h ago
1 like • 2d
I love your viewpoint on the question, is there something in specific that you’re currently working on?
0 likes • 7h
@Emeric Damian That sounds awesome man, what is your community about?
Optional Relationship Status On Skool Profile 🌹
I keep hearing how it would be super cool for Skool dating to be a thing, which has brought up having a relationship status on your profile. IF this were to happen, I would love for it to be 𝗼𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹. 🙏 I could see this being really cool for some with Skool being a community platform. Pairs well with a Skool map + Skool IRL meetups. What better wholesome way to find someone with similar interests, possibly values, and in a healthy environment than on Skool? Plus, you could expand your options beyond just a radius around a zip code. (Super plus, Skool can be remote work for flexibility.) I have some members I think this would be great for! I would love to see them in great relationships with a cute story of how they found each other on Skool. But yeah.. I want this to be an optional feature. I don't want to have it on my profile. So I wanted to put my request for this to become a feature for the ones who want it and optional for those who don't. 👇 Curious to know if others would also gladly put their relationship status on their Skool profile or if they'd be like me with the last option 😅
33 members have voted
New comment 48m ago
4 likes • 7h
@Artin Asghari leauge 🤞
4 likes • 7h
@Artin Asghari well actually…
Make A Low Ticket + High Value Classroom In Your Free Community
Something that I've been recommending is to make sure you have a low ticket + high value classroom in your Free community. Here is why: - Builds Trust - Gives Them A Win - Gets Their Card On File When you provide something that is actually valuable to them (preferably something they can use more than once.), then they can see when they give you money that they get something more in return. Just like it should be in your Paid community. Whatever you make as the low ticket should help a pain point. Think of something that would relieve the pressure of the pain in a quick way. This way they're getting a quick win, and a glimpse of how they can get a solution for the overall problem. The last reason is it gets their card on file. This will help them take action for whenever they're thinking about joining your paid community. A lot of times when we are shopping online, if we have to get up to get our card.. we won't do it right then. We will wait and the likelihood of forgetting or putting it off is higher. Having the card on file with Skool can help them do it when they're ready in the moment. How much should your low ticket be? I say it should be $3 and here is why: - $1 feels like no value. - $2 feels like a joke. - $3 feels like there might be something there. This is what I've gotten in low ticket sales since I opened a new Free community in the Fall. And it's been a great tool for helping others. I want to say don't focus on the money part of it. It's a nice extra random bonus every once in awhile. But the purpose is the 3 things I mentioned above, so it's well worth making a low ticket/high value classroom. 👇 Do you have a LT/HV classroom in your community? Any other reasons besides the 3 I mentioned?
27 members have voted
New comment 1h ago
Make A Low Ticket + High Value Classroom In Your Free Community
1 like • 7h
I remember buying yours becuase of that exact reason. It was enough where I felt just ‘it’s barely 2 redbulls’, but it was a pretty cool list so valid purchase.
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Leon Thornestrom
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@tornstrom 〄 Operations & Engagement

Active 6h ago
Joined Sep 18, 2024
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