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🚀 Start Homeschooling

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6 contributions to 🚀 Start Homeschooling
What values are you instilling on your kids through your homeschool journey? I was blessed with the opportunity to join today’s coffee chat and have been pondering ever since. My goals for the upcoming years are to instill the love of learning, perseverance and self care. My son has really been enjoying the warrior kid books by Jocko which really focus on all these things and I was wondering if anyone else had any good recommendations for books as we plan to read and be in nature all summer to transition from public to home ed (he’s 7 next week) Thanks
New comment Jun '24
1 like • Jun '24
Love all of this @Carissa Hoerner!!! Need to add it to my reading list too!!
A quick, yet meaningful WIN for anyone starting out!
Here's my personal experience of completing the self-evaluation and the impact it’s had on my family - how will it impact yours? If you've just joined, or haven't had a chance yet, I'd encourage you to take the first step and action of completing the mini self-evaluation - a simple series of questions for you to ponder and reflect on (under classroom tab in the intro of Start Homeschooling Course)… Here's why! When I started looking seriously at homeschooling in Jan of this year, I felt alone and honestly… lost! The question "Am I on the same page as my spouse?" really had me stuck. If we were on the same page, then why did I feel so alone? I'd made numerous 'failed' attempts at starting something that I believed resembled homeschooling... But I was doing it alone and was putting so much unnecessary pressure on myself. Sure, we had both made the decision that traditional schooling was not what we wanted for our girls, but that's really where the discussion had stopped. I began researching, implementing and 'failing’. Not really knowing I had the support of my husband, practically or emotionally, and I still couldn't get the question out of my head. The self-eval helped me to discover how I was going to make the change needed. Up until this point, I had been embarking on a learning journey of my own, and in order to not feel like a 'failure' anymore, I embraced the reality that I needed more support. Thus, with really immersing myself in the community of the HMG and the coursework, I was able to address my concerns with my husband and we've discovered so much about each other. I learned that he wasn’t abandoning me! He was feeling ‘unqualified’ and ‘inadequate’ to support homeschooling (as I'm the one with the teaching degree and school experience), so he felt he was leaving it in my hands as the best educator for them. We didn't know how the other was feeling, or the reasons for our actions - now we do. We have become more united as a couple and as parents, we are working through our vision and goals for what we both want and discovering how we can support each other. We are moving forward together and learning so much in the process.
New comment Jun '24
2 likes • Jun '24
LOVE this! Thank you for sharing!!
Where do you go to find homeschooling community?
I'm a Gen Z-er, so my default in looking for new groups + communities tends to be digital. However, I'm curious to know your experience with both digital (FB, IG, websites + emails) and in-person communities. Which tends to last longer, be more effective, or is actually helpful?
New comment Jun '24
3 likes • Jun '24
I think it depends! It depends on how committed the members are to each other. When you have a really strong reason why people get together for a belief or cause, I think it lasts longer because you start out with commonality. Which leads to being incredibly helpful when it’s done this way!
If cost isn’t the problem, then what prevents people from homeschooling?
I’ve had some pretty interesting conversations over the last few days with parents from the school where I used to be a principal. They are unhappy with the direction things have gone and are looking for something better for their kids. These are parents who have routinely invested 10K+ for each child in education alone, so cost is not the issue. Their first choice is yet another private school because that’s what they’ve done in the past, it’s what they know, and it is comfortable. But is it the best choice? Highly invested parents who go to private schools do so because they want the best for their children. // As they explore the best for their children, many are looking into homeschooling for the first time. Because they follow me on social media and we have maintained contact, multiple parents have reached out in the past week to ask about Homeschooling. For many, they have considered homeschooling before, but it sounds scary. It sounds like so much work and they are not sure they can do it. The biggest issue is that these very conscientious parents are concerned that they will “mess their kids up.” Consistently, the number one problem I see for most parents, including those who can afford to pay a lot for their children’s education, is confidence. Maybe that is the issue holding you back from going all in on homeschooling as well. After an hour on the phone, they asked a lot of questions and I painted a new narrative about what homeschooling could be for them. So much of their concerns about education come from preconceived notions of what school is “supposed to be.” Maybe that is you too, and you just don’t know it yet. After these conversations each parent better understood what homeschooling could be, was less afraid to try it, and is now thinking seriously that Homeschooling could be the best option for their family. You too, may be struggling with confidence or experiencing fear. Our fears are solved when we are empowered with knowledge. Knowledge is more than information, it is the right information applied with experience.
New comment Jun '24
1 like • Jun '24
So good, so true!!
🌟 Start Here 📣
Welcome to Start Homeschooling! 1️⃣ This community is the first step to gaining confidence with quick action steps to get you started on your homeschooling journey. 2️⃣ The next step is the comprehensive, customized approach through the Homeschool Mastery Group. There you will learn how to build a unique homeschool program around your family's values. It's a compass for achieving your end goals with your children's education and life! Use the community to share resources, add value 💰, encourage 🙌, ask questions ❓, and build your homeschooling support network 🙍🙍‍♂️🙍‍♀️🌟. 👋 Introduce yourself here. Tell us about your family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦, where you are from 🗺️, and why you are starting homeschooling (or considering starting). By joining the group you agree to abide by our community rules: 1. Be kind, be respectful. 2. No self-promotion of your groups or products or services (this will get you permanently banned). 3. Seek to add high-value comments to the Community tab. This could include sharing resources, sharing wins, sharing feedback, asking thought-provoking questions, sharing encouragement, and sharing about your family's journey through homeschooling. Low-value posts will be removed, please DM any moderator about concerns. 4. No soliciting through DM's (this will be you permanently banned). Please report to a moderator. 5. Do not be prescriptive unless someone asks. Share what works for you without condemning others' approaches. 6. **Any member who does not honor these rules and the members of this group may have their membership permanently revoked**
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New comment Nov '24
🌟 Start Here 📣
2 likes • May '24
@Katie Lundy I love that! There's so much patience and empathy from experience. You got this. He has the best momma!!
2 likes • May '24
@Crystal Wagner This is awesome!!! Love this!!
1-6 of 6
Sunny Willard
43points to level up
I love to cook and bake desserts :) One book that changed my perspective on being a mom is Hold On To Your Kids by Gabor Maté and Gordon Neufeld.

Active 229d ago
Joined Apr 26, 2024
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