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The Unexpected Shape Café

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5 contributions to The Unexpected Shape Café
Bed yoga
Just in case anyone else might find this as exciting as I do… I just discovered the Better Me app has a whole track of bed based yoga classes. (And also chair and wheelchair based routines.) I purchased their somatic program but the yoga routines appear to be free.
New comment Jan '24
Bed yoga
Is there a gift you’d like?
I’m trying to think of a gift I can create (that’s not a workshop; I have too iffy of wifi while abroad right now) that would be lovely for all of you. Is there anything that you’d love to receive? A PDF or ebook? Let me know! And if you see something that someone else suggests that you’d love as well, weigh in! 🌱💕
New comment Dec '23
4 likes • Dec '23
I love ebooks.
Introductions ⭐
This is the introduction thread. Say hi, tell us where you’re from and what your writing is all about! In your introduction, answer these 4 questions: ➡️ What is your name (preferred pronouns as well, if you don't mind) ➡️ Why did you decide to join The Unexpected Shape Café? ➡️ What is your favorite book? ➡️ What are you interested in writing about? We can’t wait to meet you! If you'd like to share anything else as well, feel free! And welcome!
New comment 22d ago
Introductions ⭐
8 likes • Nov '23
Hi, all! I'm Steph (she/her). I am a late in life Mom and writer living in the Pacific Northwest. I'm published previously in historical fiction and now working on something I loosely describe as women's lit. My health has been profoundly affected by long haul Covid. I also had a prior chronic Lyme diagnosis. The two combined haven't been fun. I heard Esme's interview on Productive Flourishing and found this community from there. Some of my favorite books include Pat Conroy's The Prince of Tides, Charles de Lint's Memory and Dreams, and Alice Walker's Practical Magic. I currently live in a floating home with my twelve-year-old daughter, two attitudinal cats, and an especially onery corgi. Steph
2 likes • Nov '23
@Wendi Gordon It's a loooong walk in the rainy winter months but otherwise I love it. Being near a natural body of water is one of those things that never fails to bring me joy.
Writing Tools
What are some of everyone’s favorite writing tools—pens, pencils, programs, things to help focus, etc.? Over the last few years I’ve found myself incredibly fond of .25mm pens because I press so hard on the page (I think it may be a mobility thing), but I also love Evernote. I’m not good at keeping organized, but I find the notes less intimidating than a Word doc.
New comment 19d ago
0 likes • Nov '23
@Loretta C Admittedly I'm pretty techy but I think Scrivener is pretty intuitive until you get into things like setting it up in the Cloud so you can work from any device or trying to format a doc for publication. Also, there are some great free videos out there that walk you through how to do just about anything possible to do in Scrivener. I love this program so much I even set up my work notes using a Scrivener project and folders.
3 likes • Nov '23
I compulsively collect good notebooks and fountain pens which is kind of ironic because I have dysgraphia and fatigue rapidly when I write long-hand. (But I give awesome journals as gifts!) I love Scrivener and Grammerly. Recently I've started experimenting again with voice dictation but it's still a work in progress. I love Trello for To Dos and Google Calendar for organizing family and personal events. I like Plottr for figuring out fiction timelines--especially if I have more than one point of view. I'm also a big YouTube and Podcast junkie.
Tin House Summer 2024 Residency Fiction (novel/short), Nonfiction, Poetry, and Graphic Novel, as well as the translation of any of those genres. When applicable, applicants may be under contract to publish the book they are applying with. International writers may apply. Former Residents may not apply. Former Scholars and past Workshop faculty may apply. You must be 21 years of age or older by the start date of the residency you are applying for. Trans Author Residency June This residency is intended for any writer who identifies as trans and is working on a full-length manuscript. General Residency July This residency is intended for any writer working on a full-length manuscript. First Book Residency August This residency is intended for debut writers who have not yet published a full-length book. Applicants may be under contract but cannot be scheduled to publish their debuts until 2025. Chapbooks and self-published works do not count toward this requirement.
New comment Jan '24
2 likes • Nov '23
I drive by Tin House on an almost daily basis taking my daughter to school. Huge fan of yours.
1-5 of 5
Stephanie Reiley
39points to level up
Late-in-life mother and creative I live in a floating home on the Columbia River on Hayden Island.

Active 21d ago
Joined Nov 15, 2023
Portland, OR
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