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Release Your F*cks Society

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870 contributions to Release Your F*cks Society
I am ✨ Wash, rinse, repeat. 💕
New comment Jan 13
1 like • Jan 13
Yes to this 💖
What just happened?
I’m taking another day or two off from finishing the 40 Day, but I’m still doing a little bit of meditating when I’m up to it—it’s been a long, tough, painful week and it’s been both physically & mentally draining. So, anyway, back to the present- I’m in the app & working on a different challenge-the 30 Day Affirmation Challenge - day 19 Healthy Choices & something weird happened. Here’s what I put in the comments: I make healthy choices eeeeeeeach and every day. I don’t know why but after the 3rd or 4th time Yogi Bryan said the affirmation that way I wondered why & then the next time he said it I giggled 🤭 and then the next time I wondered out loud “why is he doing that?” & I giggled some more and again and again & then it got stupidly funny (I DON’T KNOW WHY😅) and I freaking snort-laughed 😅🤣 Thanks as always YB @Bryan Holub for the help and sometimes for laughs too 🙏
New comment Jan 10
What just happened?
4 likes • Jan 10
Hahaha... fantastic 😂
Day 40 😊
My higher self is one I love to revisit. Always calming and refreshing. 😌 We did it! For some, another 40 days bring us to 130 days of meditation. For others, many more than that. And still others, the beginning of a meditation journey. I’m proud of myself and YOU! I hope every one of us keeps focusing on our practice and deepening our understanding of self. Our community has grown. We are learning more about ourselves and each other every day. Drop a few lines to say how the experience(s) has changed and improved your life. I’d love to hear about it! 📝 For me, it’s changed my perspective, the way I communicate, receive, give, react, and don’t, and how I navigate my emotions. That’s to name a few things. A cloud-covered moon 🌙 shot from last night and a shot of my drive home. I like quiet night drives. Tippin’ my cuppa to yours. 🧘🏻‍♀️📿🤍🌞🌙✨💜☕️❄️
New comment Jan 10
Day 40 😊
1 like • Jan 10
@Matt Pritchett thanks Matt. I'm following posts to help stop Release Your Fucks Society withdrawals 😁
0 likes • Jan 10
@Kat Ring 🫶
So this is Texas…
New comment Jan 10
1 like • Jan 9
oh wow!! Yes, beautiful this unusual weather for you?
1 like • Jan 10
@Rachel Krueger the weather is changing everywhere :/ We had 104 one day and then it dropped to 50 the next (had to look up celsius to fahrenheit conversion ! ) crrraaazy
The truth Will set me Free...
Tonight's meditation focused on childhood memories, self-love, and embracing my inner child. But my thoughts drifted instead to my workplace and a conversation I had today, where I wasn't entirely honest. I found myself trying to impress when there was no real need to do so. I was disappointed in myself for not speaking my truth fully. I'm not sure where this comes from, but it likely stems from low self-confidence and the desire to appear accomplished and financially secure. It's not that I outright lied, but I exaggerated the truth to seem more experienced than I really am. I don’t like this about myself, and at times, I feel powerless when this tendency surfaces. I will work on this and stay mindful so that it doesn’t happen again because it doesn’t align with the values I am building for myself—values that truly represent me. It’s hard for me to write these words, but this is my truth. I love myself, and I trust my abilities. There is no need to exaggerate or tell "white lies" that might come back to me like a boomerang. I hope the universe forgives me and sees that I am taking this to heart. Good night/morning, filled with love to you all.
New comment Jan 10
4 likes • Jan 9
Is it worth seeing if there is a link between childhood emotions and why your thoughts went to work? Could it be 'acceptance' and validation of your true Self? @Yiftach Domnits Just a thought ....
3 likes • Jan 10
Sounds like you are really doing the work in new discoveries @Yiftach Domnits I think that's a key towards freedom :)
1-10 of 870
Ruth Myers
5,846points to level up
I feel the best surrounded by nature.

Active 9h ago
Joined Aug 30, 2024
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