Are you prepared for the new affiliate feature?
Skool's new affiliate feature opens up a brand new way to make money on Skool like you've never seen before. Soon you'll be able to make more monthly recurring income just by sharing an affiliate link to someone's community! Here are 2 simple ways to make money with this affiliate feature: 1) The Pinned Post 📌 You can pin a post in your community promoting someone else's community with your affiliate link. You can then set periodic (weekly) calendar events to promote that post. 2) The JV Workshop 🤝 With the joint venture workshop you can co-host free workshops with another Skool community owner and let that community owner teach the workshop + pitch their low-ticket community (using your affiliate link) at the end so they can get customers and you can earn 50% in monthly recurring commissions from those sales. I've done this before with @Lissa Maris and it worked VERY well for us 💪🏻. The only question is... Are you prepared for this feature? Have you made a list of people you want to promote? A little birdy told me the affiliate feature is coming VERY soon... Get ready!