Here's the 50,000-foot view of the overall process. A lot goes into achieving each milestone, but this will give you an idea of the overall journey and what I teach in the '5 FIGURES IN 90 DAYS' private coaching program. ——— Essentially, we are: 1. Attracting free subscribers to our newsletter 2. Converting those non-paying subscribers to PAYING CUSTOMERS 3. Then, after your PAYING CUSTOMERS trust you and your work, we convert them into CLIENTS via a paid online community while continuing to offer the services and products they desire ——— MILESTONE 1️⃣: KNOW WHO YOU SERVE (BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE) - Define your target audience (T.A.) - document everything you can learn about them - Define the problems they face that hold them back from their most desired outcome - Create your unique value proposition as follows... "I help (INSERT T.A.) who experience (INSERT PROBLEM) to (INSERT ULTIMATE OUTCOME) without (INSERT SOMETHING THEY'VE TRIED THAT DIDN'T WORK). HERE'S MINE: [Tiny Tribes🪶 helps (newsletter writers and publishers) who are frustrated with (not making enough money on Substack) to (generate 5-figure monthly revenues) without (relying on paid subscribers.] MILESTONE 2️⃣: KNOW HOW YOU CAN HELP THEM (THE ULTIMATE OUTCOME YOU CAN DELIVER) - Work out your process, system, or formula (SOLUTIONS) and document each one - Choose the problem/solution set that provides the most immediate relief for your T.A. - Create an opt-in piece that you can offer them in exchange for their subscription to your Substack - Host the PDF on a Google Drive; place the link in your 'Welcome Email' that Substack sends to subs - Write posts to your subscribers about the problems they face while indicating that solutions exist - Give away the ideas, but sell the system MILESTONE 3️⃣: DEVELOP A 'DONE-FOR-YOU' SERVICE OR A DIGITAL PRODUCT (IF YOUR T.A. IS TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT, STOP SMOKING, ETC.) THAT YOU CAN OFFER THEM - At first, you will offer this for free to 10 subscribers to get experience and testimonials (if you skip this step, you will fail...trust me) - A few months later, you can charge for it, usually less than $100 (low risk, low-cost) - You're not trying to make a lot of $$ with this, but to covert your free subscriber into CUSTOMERS - For copywriters, it might be rewriting copy from websites, Substack About pages, email sequences - For coaches, it might be two free coaching sessions to help them establish a plan for redesigning their nutritional plan, revising their dating profile, or whatever you help them achieve