My name is Megan. I was born in the USA and have lived in multiple states, but mostly Oregon. I have also spent around 13 years of my life outside the US (not all at once). I have traveled in five continents and 50+ countries, since 1991. I currently live in the Balkans. In the past I have run several businesses in web development, marketing, eCommerce, skin care product manufacture, etc. I have also been involved in a lot of humanitarian and nonprofit work throughout my life. I currently travel regularly, mostly outside the US. But sometimes I go to the US for business or charity. I am only at my home in the Balkans when I don't need to be somewhere else. I run a US Public Charity and several US LLCs. I am currently in the field of literacy and education. In addition to running my businesses, charity, etc., I do a lot of writing and content creation as my husband and I found we had to create our own curriculum for the literacy projects we are running. I am joining this community to engage in discussions and sharing on the subject of global business strategies and the related financial, legal, and logistics aspects thereof. I look forward to getting to know you all better.