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7 contributions to Creation
Shockingly Good Results From YouTube
Two sentences made my last video get a ton of views. I started posting YouTube videos on June 11th. I've been horribly inconsistent with YouTube and my videos rarely got more than a few thousand views. Up until recently, I've had 40K~ish subscribers for years. That didn't seem to matter. Hardly anyone watched my stuff. Up until June 11th of this year, I hadn't posted anything since April of 2023. Then in June I decided to post consistently and see what happened. I got some good advice from Alex Hormozi and I also did the UNTHINKABLE ... Which was to read the instructions that YouTube gives you for free. WHAT ALEX TAUGHT ME: 1. The "thing" that makes YouTube show your video to more people is this: ClickThrough Rate + Average View Duration = Good So the higher your clickthrough rate is (you know ...people seeing the thumbnail and then clicking the video) ... And the longer someone watches your video ... The more YouTube will show it to people for free. 2. A good way to figure out what thumbnails are working is to use tools like because you can type in a topic or a keyword and it will show you videos that got MORE views than usual. The fancy folks call these "outliers". 3. Make your videos good so that people will watch them longer. So ...armed with this knowledge, I made some videos.. And it actually worked! I've made 8 videos so far and all of them have gotten more than 10,000 views except one. (And that one didn't have a good click through rate.) BUT THEN I DISCOVERED A SECRET. And by "Secret" I mean ... Something that was clearly spelled out in YouTube's instructions. I applied it to my most recent video to date and that video has received 36,000 views in 14 days. Here's the "secret": TELL YOUTUBE WHAT THE VIDEO IS ABOUT BY WRITING YOUR DESCRIPTION PROPERLY. I don't really know what "properly" is but here's what I *was* doing: My descriptions were always the same. A few links at the beginning and then some info about me.
New comment 4d ago
Shockingly Good Results From YouTube
2 likes • 17d
mind = blown... I'll be honest I never bothered with the video description either, every video description I made was basically "about this channel and where to get awesome free stuff"... let me re-think that one!
7 likes • 17d
I just grabbed a transcript of the video I uploaded today, put it into chatGPT and asked the robot to give me a good youtube description. I then added that description to the beginning of what I usually put in the description. I'll let you all know how it performs compared to other vids. Crazy idea, a video description that describes the video. What's next... a thumbnail that's a thumb with a nail?
How my latest youtube video got 8x more views than normal
Hey guys, a couple of weeks ago I uploaded a video to youtube and it got 8 times the usual viewership. So I checked the analytics, and only 2.3% of that traffic came from my subscribers. Meaning all the extra traffic was from YouTube's algo showing the video to more people in the recommendations and "next video". Why did youtube help me with this video but not others? I saw that the average watch time on this video was 4x longer than average also. So, I'm going to start using more open loops to get people watching and engaged longer. I discussed with a friend who's making high 6 to low 7 figures a month online, he said yeah watch time is the #1 thing, the other is thumbnails. I'm trying very weird thumbnails now, that have nothing to do with the actual content of the video (pattern interrupt). That used to work for me great with FB ads before. What are you doing to get more views on social and video platforms? -Manny
New comment 19d ago
1 like • Aug 9
@Ted Mauro Thanks man, that was great! Really appreciate the detailed explanation! 💚
1 like • Aug 9
@Sean Greene Thanks for sharing Sean... these look great EDIT: I see you're just getting started but your stuff looks super pro already... very cool. I take it this is not your first internet marketing project? I'm on my second one as well.
I made my first YouTube video
I decided that I would just make a video. I felt awkward. I haven't made a video since 2019 and I feel like I was a totally different person back then. I put it on YouTube and now I have to just make more. Practice makes less awareness. Lol.
New comment Aug 7
0 likes • Jul 31
Hey @Jennifer Lamb I'm in the same boat, I haven't made youtube videos since 2015, it's awkward to get started again, bizarre how big that initial hump can be even when it's not the first time!
0 likes • Aug 7
@Jennifer Lamb Yes please, let me know! What I've found so far is 2. attention getting images in the thumbnail (beautiful girls help) 2. big bright benefit based text 3. make the videos sticky by having open loops to keep them watching... I wrote a bit about one of my videos that took off: Anyway if those algo tips help I'd love to hear about it :)
Celebrate Life
Hello creation community :) Happy hump day - reminding myself and this great community to celebrate - big small - Gatorade dump worthy or not - top 3 - My youngest son is getting married Saturday - big celebration!!! My little grandson born with cCMV (don't worry if you don't know what it is neither did I) is able to get fitted for hearing aids soon has just hit 9 pounds and has great vision - big celebration and in the moments of down time I can listen to great info here and take more action on Convert 2.0 - What are you celebrating?
New comment Aug 1
Celebrate Life
1 like • Aug 1
Congratulations Natalie... lots of great happenings in your life! I'm celebrating that I just moved to Costa Rica with my girl-friend, we found a house here a few days ago and working on my new podcast... life's good!
1 like • Aug 1
@Natalie Z It's going to be a meditation podcast... I'll call it "The Meditate More Podcast" :)
3-post method still recommended?
Hey guy, I love Frank's idea to foster community here. I hope it takes off! I've been following Frank since 2005 I think... built a 130,000 subscriber email list in the language education space about a decade ago, now I'm starting over in the meditation space. I'm using "Bootstrap Branding", which I think was later called IBB 3.0 or 4.0? I'm not quite sure. It's from 2022. Does anyone know if that 3-post method is still recommended or any updates?
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Manuel Zeh
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Joined Jul 26, 2024
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