My Game-Changer for Saving Time
I haven’t planned a day in my life. I’ll admit, that’s a pretty big exaggeration. I’ve recently tried over 100 different schedules; the one I got the best results from may surprise you. In this post, I want to share the results of my “experiment” that helped me optimize my efficiency so you can apply the same knowledge to your way of life. Ready? Let’s get into it. I’ve learned that relaxed scheduling is MILES better for your productivity than a rigid, inflexible schedule. Here are some reasons why: 1: Simplified If you’ve read any posts of mine, you know I love my life simplified Allowing yourself the freedom to choose when you work is much more straightforward than working from 10:47:32 to 12:12:54 I know we’ve all been there… You have a strict schedule, and you forgot to start working. “OMG OMG OMG IM 5 MINUTES LATE, THE DAY IS RUINED.” If you don’t have a specific time to get work done, what’s the reason to be upset? When you play it by ear, you start when you’re ready and stop when you stop. That segways very well into #2… 2: Better attitude When you have a strict schedule, You limit your room for flexibility. This is a significant issue, Sometimes, the hours you work well in one day, you find yourself exhausted the next. Every day isn’t created equal, And giving yourself a hard-set schedule doesn’t adapt to that. And as we know, It sucks to get work done when you’re tired or not feeling it. There’s an argument for working through it, But why bother? Wouldn’t you be at your best and most efficient self when you decided to sit down and work, not your calendar? I’d argue that even on the days you don’t feel like doing anything, You still have a window where you say, “Ok, I wanna get this done now.” That attitude makes your work infinitely easier than forcing yourself to wake up at 5 am because Andrew Tate and Hamza told you to do so. That better idea makes your entire life better, Not just the 4-5 hours of work. 3: Less mentally and physically taxing