After seeing 100+ beginners make $10,000 per month, I noticed they often follow the 7 Cs: A memoir by @Andrew Kirby the great 1. Consume What: Learn by consuming the content of experts. Why: Most great creators start as obsessive consumers. The quality of what you consume dictates the quality of your life. How: Consume educational content from people who have achieved the results you want. Avoid too much entertainment. Action item: Attend the Hormozi Q&As or watch the replays. / 2. Comment What: Leave helpful or thoughtful comments on what you consume. Why: โWhen starting out, you need to make people aware you existโ - Hormozi. Commenting is the easiest way to do this. When you create content, you compete with everyone on the platform. This is hard. When you comment, you only compete with the other comments of that post. This is easier. How: Add to the discussion with insights, compliments, connections, or help. Focus on quality over quantity. Action item: Leave comments when you have something to say. / 3. Chat What: Start conversations with people you're engaging with. Why: Relationships scale faster than content. It's easier to get people you know to listen to you then strangers. Chatting builds your network and creates future opportunities. How: DM people who youโre excited to chat with and start genuine conversations. Action item: Start building relationships and help where you can / 4. Call What: Talk to people on calls to find problems and deepen relationships. Why: The best way to find out how to help is to ask. Calls build trust, reveal problems and desires, and help you figure out where you can help. How: Ask the people you chatted with to hop on a call. Focus on connecting and helping, not selling. Action item: Get on 10 calls / 5. Case study What: Get proof and referrals by working for free. Why: Proof > Promise. Helping for free lets you build skills, get testimonials, and gain referrals. Itโs the bridge to paid work.