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"CTA" Mastery: A new mini course.
I've made over 3 million dollars online using CTA's (call to actions). One of the biggest mistakes I see beginners make is uploading content without a CTA. They post and they post and they wonder why they make no money 🙁 Whereas somebody who uses CTA’s intelligently (like YOU after reading this), can make a lot of money in a short time, with less content! Why is that? Because when done right, a CTA acts as an inspiring call to action where you ask or tell your audience to take the next logical step with you. When your content lacks a CTA, it lacks selling power. At best, all it can do is nurture your audience, but it can do NOTHING to bring about a sale. CTA’s are typically implanted either at the start, in the middle, or at the end of any piece of content you upload. 99% of the content you upload should have a CTA. No CTA = no sales. More (& better) CTA’s = more sales. The best part? I've just put together a CTA Mastery mini course to show you exactly what to say in all of your CTA’s. Want it? Comment: CTA MASTERY below and I'll send it over to you.
New comment 5d ago
"CTA" Mastery: A new mini course.
1 like • 27d
Want to create your own Skool community for free?
If you haven't started a Skool community yet, I'm going to cover the cost ($99) of your first month + host a super small workshop (5 people MAX) to build yours with you live on Zoom in real time. Comment SKOOL below if you're interested in building you Skool community with me. NOTE: Because I'll be covering the $99 for your community's first month, I'm only accepting people who show major potential, and who plan to be on the platform for a long time. If you think that's you, and you want to build your community with me, do this: Comment "SKOOL" below 👇🏻 Mention what you want to help people with in your community 👇🏻 Drop a link (or 2) to your social media so I can check out your content & audience size 👇🏻 I'll DM you details if I think you'd be a good fit. 🥂
New comment 4d ago
3 likes • Jul 31
Please publish this!
5 likes • Jul 31
@Ted Carr Never mind, it wouldn't make sense. I was suggesting you record it and post for others to see. Perhaps you could record aspects of their journey with you?
I am somewhat of a newbie but very interested in seeing what recommendations you all have for me. I am looking for a bit of a boost on my community page. I have most of the basics lined out but was hoping someone might be able to offer me with some advice on a tedious item I might be overlooking or missing out on to help out my brand/community. All recommendations are appreciated. Thank you! Chris Tierney
New comment Jul 29
1 like • Jul 29
@Christopher Tierney ping me when it is updated!
1 like • Jul 29
ok this is a big improvement. Logo much better. I still think you could do with some screen shots in the slides of proof (client testimonial quotes). I should take my own advice here. your description on the right hand side still needs to be outcome focused. What is the dream outcome? Make more money, close more sales, just simply say whatever it is that your prospect desires. Not the stuff that gets them there. Now onto the About text under the slides. You need to unchunk this into short lines and bullets. Currently it's all the one paragraph and looks bad. I'd also consider removing the links to your Tik Tok, IG and YouTube on the right hand side. I think it might distract from the primary action "Join Group".
Read A Contract In Less Than 2 Minutes
If contracts are a foreign language to you (like they are to me)... Don't waste your time trying to read 10+ pages and potentially miss an important point... Here's what to do instead: Step 1: Copy the entire contract Step 2: Open Chat GPT Step 3: Type "Summarize all of the points in this contract in simple terms & as short as possible" & paste it Step 4: Hit enter & read the contract in less than 2 minutes 🙂‍↔️
New comment Jul 30
1 like • Jul 28
Great tip. Use chatgpt 4 all day lonnnnnnnng
🌟 It’s not a new technique that will change your life.
💡 Let’s be honest, the internet is showing you new ways of doing the same thing with different packages. And clearly, we need them when we don’t believe in mastering the basics. 🚀 What will take you to the next level won’t be the next big thing. It’s by going back to the basics and mastering them more than you spread your energy to the rest. 📅 Each year you’ll see videos and posts saying that’s what works in 202X. These are trends - like the colors of the new iPhones - yet Steve Jobs started the “one outfit for all” genre. The more we get busy with the little surface changes of trends, the less we go deep. 🔬 Dr. Eric Pearl, an expert in energy healing, spent his life learning and mastering the most energy healing techniques available. And he came to a conclusion: they’re all placebos to get you to self-heal by accessing your raw power. 💪 The energy that heals you is within you. You can do prayer, QHYP, NLP, XYZ, until you reach that energy, and its wisdom will clear you out from everything. The more people in a group reach that healing energy and focus it, the faster and easier the healing. 🎯 All the techniques we use are placebos. It might be a big claim, and yes, we can see the effect of some prayers and techniques energy healers use. They work because the goal of a placebo is to calm the ego that’s doubting, and they are necessary in difficult cases. 🧘‍♂️ If you can access it through silent meditation, you’re on a pro level. This means you can access it at any time when something comes up. It’s not 1% daily improvement but constant. 🛠️ If you can’t do silent meditation, do all 202X methods that are being invented and trademarked by the industry. Even though I’ve got a track record of silent meditation, I still teach other practices. That being said, I’ve got a free FB group in which I share all this knowledge in deeper ways, with sessions to optimize you and make you more efficient in your life, so you can focus on what makes your life great rather than being distracted by stuff.
New comment Jul 29
🌟 It’s not a new technique that will change your life.
0 likes • Jul 28
A lot of truth here. For example, I think a lot of us catch ourselves saying “it can’t be that simple” about so many things in business. I’ve been doing warm reach outs 1 on 1 all last week and generated 9 MRR sales into my Skool, and even I am in a regular state of disbelief. Before moving my community to Skool I was making maybe 1 MRR new sale per quarter!
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Lawrence Neal
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I help people build a successful high-intensity personal training business.

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Joined Jul 25, 2024
Galway, Ireland
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