I quit my 9-5 to go all in on Skool
To build a profitable Skool community that provides enough money to live my current life is a dream of mine. I was working in a corporate 9-5 finance job, doing the classic school -> university -> job path. I have known for a few years now that I want to be an entrepreneur. For years I was busy being a wantrepreneur living passively like a floating leaf drifting side to side with changes in the wind. I knew that if I wanted to make my dream a reality, I would need to give it 100% of my attention. It wasn't until I realised that the only way to guarentee that I would fail would be to continue working my job, living a life I hated. At least taking the risk of becoming an entrepreneur would give me a chance of achieving my dreams. I knew that I could live off $20,000 Australian for a year so I saved every penny and when I reached that 20k, I quit my job. I know that giving Skool all of my focus, attention and energy, I will achieve my goal of earning 3k MRR by the end of the year. I am incredibly excited for this journey and will be sharing this journey with the Skool Community. Good luck to everyone out there trying to make a living through this incredible opportunity.