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Private • 9.1k • Paid

Skool Community

Public • 73.1k • Paid

9 contributions to Skool Community
New feature: "Referrals" — Earn 40% recurring by referring Skool
Now you can earn 40% of monthly recurring revenue by referring people to Skool. Refer 3 people and Skool becomes an income stream, not a cost. Watch the video below to see how it works. How to refer people: Go to "User settings" --> "Referrals" tab --> Copy/paste your referral link --> Done! Note: You can only refer people if you've got a paid group on Skool. Check it out and let us know what you think? 💰💰💰
New comment Feb 21
3 likes • May '22
Sweet! Sam always gives a good portion of the pie.
Skool is officially out of beta and ready for everyone to use!
Hey team, I'm excited to announce that Skool is officially out of beta a ready for everyone to use! We've been in beta for 2-years with 500 groups to get the product right and perfect the details. Here's some important updates: • Skool's business model — we decided to charge $99 /group /month. • You can create your own group with a 14-day free trial here. • We made a "Skool 101" mini-course showing you how to use Skool with best practices. • We're holding monthly "Skool office hours" livestreams for product updates and Q&A. Thank you to all of our original beta members! Building Skool has been an amazing journey so far and I'm even more excited by what's coming next. We're just getting started! Check out the video below for a quick overview of the product. Enjoy 🎉.
New comment Feb '22
6 likes • Feb '22
Elegance, simplicity, performance. Skool is different, built for the future. Congratulations Sam and team, this is something to be proud of and celebrate. Can't wait to see Skool take over Kajabi.
Preventing this Chrome Extension to Download all videos from Classroom?
Hey Team, Recently, I've come across a Chrome Extension called Video Downloader for Vimeo that pretty much allows a user to download any video that is hosted on a Vimeo platform. I tested it out and in fact, it does work even if all of the videos are private Vimeo videos. Anyone who is a member of the Classroom would be able to download the video in high-res format and pirate it 100%. Do you have any plans to combat this situation? Any security features? Is there a way to protect our content on Skool in some way from this kind of Chrome downloader extensions?
New comment 26d ago
5 likes • Jan '22
The community, weekly calls and buddy-system are more valuable than the video's. Also, I would never ever pirate the courses of Sam because he builds a strong connection with his students. Love your students and they will love you back. Make your content so inspiring so that a person who is watching pirated content wants to purchase from your brand later on. Your course itself is also a sales video for your brand and your future products. This way, pirated content is kind of a funnel for new clients 🙂 In your videos, refer to the strength and advantage of the community and calls, to reinforce the community and make pirated content watchers feel they are missing out.
School Vs Skool (visualised)
Someone in my community just made this.
New comment Mar '22
0 likes • Dec '21
V3.1 — Introducing "Classroom"
Classroom is a lightweight content portal for online courses. Create modules, embed videos, add resources, transcripts, and track student progress. Classroom integrates with your Skool community, so your students will have 1-login, 1-profile, and 1-search — for everything. Totally free. Watch the video below to see how it works. Enjoy!
New comment 1d ago
1 like • Sep '21
@Sam Ovens , I don't mind paying 200$/month for Skool. You teach us how to make money, so for many of us that is not a problem anymore. If that revenue can help Skool take over Clickfunnels and Kajabi by storm, then we are, just like you, all in!😃
1-9 of 9
Klaas Victor
36points to level up
Hi! I'm Klaas from Belgium. Currently I work as a chemical engineer but I would love to start a consulting business.

Active 283d ago
Joined Apr 23, 2020
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