Hello @Carter Surach is 4.0, an improved version of 3.0? I've followed along the 3.0 course and loved the snoozed tasks and even the Reflect & Calibrate Routines and Focus. Is there a reason you removed that in 4.0? What was your thought process?
Make a comment on the post below teaching in your own words how these structures interact with each other, OR if you have a question about structures leave your question. š Bonus points: If you understand structures help someone else that has left a question below. Let's get a discussion going where we are asking questions and helping others with structures in this framework to get very clear on what structures are.
Any idea/task that you have in you mind is information that contains properties and that is stored in databases. VIEWS is a 'display' of sorted information(sorted by properties) and ROUTINES are curated collection of views to help your mind focus on one thing at a time e.g Planning, Processing or executing a task.
I'm have my own Shopify store where I sell my stuff. I've seen notion before but never quite figured it out until I decided to really understand it and use it to my advantage in terms of productivity and like a second mind. I have very specific needs and this is the quickest way for me to learn and try and make sth and hoepuflly share with others along the way in my niche