The single more important tech you need to be paying attention to
I've been in the game for 25+ years. I've seen a lot in my time. But hands down, the place I see people get tripped up the most is in basic security. I know phases like "cybersecurity" scare people, and you no doubt imagine someone in a dark room somewhere wearing a hoodie hacking some bitcoin. But it's not actually like that (well, 99% of the time anyway). So here are some helpful tips on how to just keep some basic security in play, it's the 20% you can do that gives you 80% of the results. 1 - PLEASE do not use 'password' as your computer login. If your computer gets stolen, they can get in quickly, get access to entire life, and cause quite a lot of damage. Use a proper computer password. 2 - Don't reuse passwords. Having the same password for everything might be convenient, but if someone gets the password, and hacks your email, then they have your bank password too. 3 - Use 2 factor anywhere you can. If a website offers any kind of two factor service then use it. 4 - Use a password manager. Apple have a built in one called 'Passwords'. Else you can use 1Password. The few $ a month it costs is totally worth it. Sure there are a lot of other things you can do, firewalls, end point security etc, but if you don't have the basics right the more advanced security won't save you.