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Men of Action: Forum

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7 contributions to Men of Action: Forum
Middle of chest muscles
Guys, no matter how much I enlarge my chest muscles, the middle of my two breasts always remain empty, what is the reason for this and if anyone knows what I need to do to solve it, please write it in the comments.
New comment Oct '23
1 like • Jun '23
lol, this has been a focus of mine as of late too. The things I do are: A) bring my hands in closer for the bench press (yes, you lose some power) B) Emphasize the squeeze on chest fly's and pause C) Emphasize the squeeze on the incline DB bench press and pause D) Push up's something like @Gaetan Klein said, but rather than my hand being in a diamond shape, this is sort of hard to explain, but basically the hands are really close to my torso (my thumbs are pretty much touching my rib cage) while my chest is above my hands (fingertips are around the nipple area rather than at the top of the shoulder.) Laying flat on the ground, with your hands in the right place, you'll pretty much have a perfect 90-degree bend in the elbow. The closest hand position I can think of is the "pseudo planche push-up," but your hands are narrower. This is a push-up you have to "feel out". But what matters is keeping your chest above the hands and the hands close to the torso.
hiit cardio
friends, do you think the fastest way to burn fat is hit cardio?
New comment Oct '23
3 likes • Jun '23
Truthfully, the "fastest" way to burn fat is to literally starve yourself with a massive focus on cardio. It's unhealthy, you'll be absolutely miserable, and you may kill yourself in the process, but that would be the technical FASTEST way. Therefore, the "fastest way to burn fat" is ANY exercise regime and diet that YOU will consistently stick to period. Doesn't matter if you want to do HIIT, Crossfit or a simple run after work. As long as you do something every day that gets your heart pumping and are eating in a caloric deficit (usually 500 under maintenance, though this depends on your goals) you will burn fat.
0 likes • Jun '23
@Angelo Palazzo oh yeah for sure, fasting is legit. I've done it my self. I should've clarified, my bad, but as a long term strat for losing fat its a risky one. Not even for physical health reasons but the mental ones. There are habits that built up to you being the weight you are and habits die hard. I think the biggest loser study best articulates this. People went on the extreme to lose weight, reached their weight goals, but then gained it all back within a year. Thats why I emphasise whatever YOU can consistently stick to is the "fastest" way. Because we don't just want to lose fat, but we want to keep it off.
I feel good
That’s it
New comment Jun '23
1 like • Jun '23
Hello! My name is David. Looking forward to work with you all!
I'm David, a 28 year-old Mexican from Mexico City. NIce to meet you all. A bit about myself: I've got a Bachelor in Economics from one of the top colleges in Mexico (la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - UNAM). Currently exploring freelancing as a Twitter Ghostwriter. Let me know if I can be help you! My hobbies are writing, reading and the newest one: Working out. As cringe as it may be, if you're into fanfiction, let me know. I try to write the stuff like the novels I read and it's how my English is as good as you read it. Due to a long story, I've been working a minimum wage job despite having a college degree. Long story, short: The pandemic kept me from getting my diploma because that part of the school completely shut down until late 2022, and now they're sorting out two-years worth of pent up degrees. I figured out my investment strategy in 2020 after watching coutless hours of Youtube. One day, the algorythm put a Jocko Willick video in my feed and down a new rabbit hole I went. My mental health issues, my mom's physical and mental health issues, and the lockdown sent me down this introspection quest that I'm still figuring out. I'm trying to be more and make more out of myself. If you're familiar with Hamza Ahmed, I'm allign myself with that guy's school of thinking. Joined Tate's TRW (then Hustle Academy) back when it was on Discord and learned Copywriting and Freelancing. Say what you will about me, but I literally sat down for the better part of two years to figure out stuff like the fact that I hate having a boss that just drops things on me out of the bloom in the middle of the night, that I have a pron addiction and that I need to get in the gym if I ever want to get a girl to look my way. After literal years of thinking and meditating, I started taking action. I joined the gym and I'm supplementing that with a homemade routine I set up for myself. (Check it out here -
New comment Jun '23
1 like • Jun '23
Hm. Somewhat of the same story I've got. One thing I will say. Change is brutal. You'll have these stretches where you're making all the right moves, feeling great with every step you take, then SMACK. Somehow you've crash-landed back where you started, and need to start clawing yourself back from your old ways all over again. It feels, at times, utterly hopeless. Like you're destined for the bullshit life you're living. Like a curse that had been thrust upon you by the mistakes of your ancestors. But realize that IS what change is. It is not some straight and narrow path, but rather a winding maze, dense in fog, with many pathways leading back to the start. Which is exactly why so many fail to change. They don't realize that the demoralizing struggle IS the "changing". That each fight with your old self, won or lost, is necessary. You are a sword in the making. Actively throwing yourself into the flames so that you CAN be molded. Setting yourself a blaze, purposefully, to reveal all the impurities and defects to hammer them out. Change is a tedious, gruelling, slow process. It will be soul-crushing to spend so much time hammering out the problems, only to reheat and find new ones to conquer (or old ones to perfect.) But that is the process of change that most don't have the will to do. Realize that each time you choose to hammer through the molten sludge, only to reheat and find your problems still exist or choose to reenter the maze of your own torturous design for the thousandth time. You are choosing change. With each failure, and each time you choose to claw back, you ARE changing. It may not feel like it in the moment. It may feel like you're running in circles. But that is what change feels like... shit.
1 like • Jun '23
@David Cortes Thanks man, I appreciate the words honestly. It was something I needed to remind myself of too. The process of change... Godspeed man!
Which one is better
Which of these edits is better? Which one will look most cohesive on my IG profile?
New comment Jun '23
Which one is better
2 likes • Jun '23
Stand alone i think the left is easier on the eyes. In context with your insta, and if this is meant to be your next photo, the right is more cohesive. Especially because that hot tub photo has a similar edit.
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Jacob Kapushynski
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Best described a lurker...

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Joined Mar 7, 2023
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