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Dream Clients Club

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4 contributions to Dream Clients Club
🧲 Day THREE - Tasks, Questions, Insights - share all here
Today we were looking at using storytelling. Your task is to create a social media post that shares a story (with a moral/lesson) that links to a small solution under one of your core topics. See today's masterclass in the Classroom section for guidance on exactly how to do this, and where to find your stories. Share your posts, drafts and any questions or comments below 👇 Day 3 Replays are available in the Magnetic Messages Challenge section of the Classroom
New comment 6d ago
🧲 Day THREE - Tasks, Questions, Insights - share all here
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Hi everyone! Here is my story. It is a bit long, but I hope your comments can help me to improve it!!! Imagine your child asks to eat an onion! I cannot tell you how happy I was to hear this little story from the parent of a boy. Let’s call him Alex. Alex was eating only five different yellow-colored foods: corn, peanuts, bananas, cornflakes, and potatoes. Does this sound familiar? Many kids today are picky eaters, and Alex was one of them. His parents were worried about the situation but didn’t know what to do. They tried different approaches, but nothing worked. As you probably know, addressing picky eating is tough. So, the parents decided to change their tactics. They stopped asking Alex to eat new foods. They had had enough of flying plates in the kitchen and exhausting battles around the table. No more drama! Instead, they started involving Alex in gardening and helping them with the vegetable plot. Alex watered the garden, helped pick vegetables and fruits, peeled onions, and so on. It was a game for him, but every day, he was in contact with real food. It was fun to engage with vegetables without the pressure to eat them. By the way, the parents provided essential nutrients for Alex by giving him good supplements. Six months later, one evening when his mother was cooking dinner, Alex came to her and asked, "Mom, can I have a raw onion to eat?" Can you imagine the mother's reaction? She didn't understand at first what Alex was saying because it was so unexpected. But he repeated his request: “Mom, can I have a raw onion to eat?” The mother thought Alex might have mistaken the onion for an apple. She was completely confused. But Alex took matters into his own hands! Our kids are very smart, you know. He peeled the onion himself and started eating it like an apple! The parents were amazed! They had hoped that one day Alex would eat better, but a raw onion? Wow! This was a turning point. Alex started changing his food preferences and began trying new foods.
1 like • 6d
@Melitta Campbell many thanks!
🧲 Day TWO - Tasks, Questions, Insights - share all here
Today we were looking at how to attract our dream clients through our messages. Your task is to create a social media post that speaks to the 'little voice' in your client's mind and helps them to see their problem in a new light/start taking positive steps towards their desired outcome. I can't wait to see what you come up with. Share your posts, drafts and any questions or comments below 👇 🎥 Missed today's session? You'll find the replay here.
New comment 2h ago
🧲 Day TWO - Tasks, Questions, Insights - share all here
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Hi! Here is my draft based on day 1 and day 2 masterclasses.
1 like • 7d
Great! This is what really need to practice! Many thanks!!!
Which Social Media Platform do You Use for Your Business
As we get ready for the Magnetic Messages Challenge tomorrow, I was curious to know which social media platform you use for your business? Let me know in the poll below - and share your profile links in the comments section so we can all connect, learn more about each other's work and support each other.
27 members have voted
New comment 4d ago
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I am on LinkedIn, FB and Instagram. As I target parents, I find FB and Instagram are more suitable for my ideal clients. But LinkedIn is also needed for professional connections. I wish I could be more consistent with my posts across all platforms.
Introduce Yourself! (Start Here - Please Read 👀 )
Welcome to the Dream Clients Club! You are now entering a fun, supportive and safe space for entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants. It's the place to collaborate, share and support others as you grow your income and impact, and create a lifestyle you love (without burning out, feeling fake or compromising on your integrity!). Here's EXACTLY what to do first: Step 1: Introduce yourself HERE using this Copy/Paste Template: Where do you live? Share 3 things about you that we won't find on your bio? Where's your favourite place to hangout online? What do you want immediate help with inside of this community? *** Best practices in this community: • Unlock training by commenting and posting your insights in the community. • Hit 'Like' 👍 on every helpful post or comment you see to help others level up. • When you write a post, break up your paragraphs into single sentences like I am doing now - this way more people will read what you write, and respond. • Add your profile picture. • Be generous and supportive always. • If you ever get stuck, feel overwhelmed, are not sure what 'next step' to take, just ask the community. ------ Group Rules: 1) No Self Promotion 2) No Selling in the DM's 3) No Spamming the Community Feed Let's keep this a space where we all grow and enjoy hanging out.
New comment 4d ago
1 like • 13d
@Rosemary Bointon Many thanks for great tips!!!
0 likes • 13d
@Sabine Munshi it is nice to connect
1-4 of 4
Irina Schurov
10points to level up
Nutritional Neuroscientist and Therapist, Expert in Functional Health Solutions with 25+ years of experience in science, health-providing services.

Active 3h ago
Joined Aug 29, 2024
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