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19 contributions to LTC Ashram
ACIM and the 12 STEPS - a workshop
Hey Beautiful Beings! Two of the most phenomenal, healing, spiritual paths that have transformed humanity in the twentieth century are A COURSE IN MIRACLES and the 12 STEPS. I have personally been blessed, transformed, and saved by both of them. The combination lives in me to this day! And now, I am honored to bring them both to you. SATURDAY | August 3 | Noon - 2:30pm EST I also have a special discount code just for you as a member of the LTC Ashram. LEARN MORE AND REGISTER HERE: ENTER DISCOUNT CODE: LTC20 and receive $20 off. PLEASE JOIN ME - you'll be so glad you did!
New comment Aug '24
ACIM and the 12 STEPS - a workshop
0 likes • Aug '24
Same for me ?
0 likes • Aug '24
So much treasure information, so fast… Where to find a rewind button to play it back ?
Understanding and Faith
There is an Ever-Present Love Known to exist deep beyond you. Seeking for and revealing this Love seems to be goal of all spiritual practice. But what if I told you that this Love goes nowhere and needs nothing from you? This statement may make sense to the advanced student. This student has come to recognize their ultimate changeless Nature and how the so-called spiritual practice is only about reacquainting oneself with Love beyond form and time’s perceived distance. However, to the average earth-goer, who still believes in the value of the world around them, this Ever-Present Love appears to hide. “Where do I need to go to find Love?” is the question of the thinking mind. For Me, to respond to a heartfelt inquiry, “nowhere” presents elusive and frustrating. But yet, in Truth there is nowhere to go and nothing needed to do in order to Know Love. The space between this Knowledge and your personal awareness presents as vast and confusing. If I take the value of the world from you, are you then left with emptiness? Surely, to be left with a perceived void of identity, is not My intention. I am not here to psychologically wound you. The Lessons are about recognizing where false evidence appears real and how the world’s witnesses are accepted as valued, despite their ability to make only despondency. The majority of humanity has yet to realize this unfruitful pathway. The thinking mind wants to continue to seek even when you begin to realize that the seeking is not working. “What then do I have for myself?” you ask. Everything, My Beloved. You HAVE Everything! You ARE Everything. [Pam asks] “How can I have everything if objects, people and circumstances are nothing but models of separation? It is this separation that I see.” Do not measure yourself by such limited means. You have everything because you have the ability to not allow limitations to define you. Here, the Entirety of Creation reveals its Self once more, because you no longer are seeing through eyes that choose to define or separate.
New comment Mar '24
4 likes • Feb '24
After an evening of discussions about the world’s affairs, politics, democracy… Finding myself totally unable to relate yet I opened the door and engaged in the debates not realizing what the space I was entering was about but I strongly felt the shame, the guilt, the judgements, the attacks, the fear, the need for entertainment, a total gut wrenching lack of Love and Faith. Siting with it, promising myself to never enter that room of nonsensical investigations, discussions, debates about fixing when no one seemed to acknowledge what needed to be fixed even if something needed to be fixed. I re read your long posting. I am so grateful that I did, for I found safety in feeling the clicking (at times) much needed to go on to the Forgiving and look out the window and perceive the Eternal. Aware of the inhaling only. Faith in Faith 🙏
3 likes • Feb '24
Observing the heavy duty force that is denying, questioning Love, the strength of God! Exhausting, at times. Other beings seeing, at least deciding to see differently, is such an essential thought, moving along, continually clearing the path from the overgrown.
How do you experience the Peace of God in your life?
Comment below and share how you experience the Peace of God in your life! If you want to do a little Activation Statement... Share with us where you want more Peace of God in your life!
Complete action
New comment Mar '24
8 likes • Feb '24
Whenever I remember to apply stillness and silence, wherever that happens.
5 likes • Feb '24
Yes to more Poetry and perhaps less busyness?
One of Ego’s belief
As Aaron writes about the third belief of the Ego and the Mantra “I am not in control, I am being lived “ Another great writer, Mary Angelou wrote “Life loves the Liver of it “ I experience a Paradox. I am missing the essential piece, the connection.
New comment Feb '24
4 likes • Feb '24
Perhaps life is just like, Art of Living. A delicate yet fearless constant balancing between Surrendering and Inspiration
Journaling with Lesson 30
Beloved One, how much joy do you honestly choose to See about You? Or would your mind rather project experiences of suspicion, fear, frustration, blame, shame and guilt, lack, loss and limitation? When I say, “would you rather,” I do mean this to be a definitive choice—as the definitions only arise from the mind with which you play. Yes, one can blame the thinking mind for these conditions and not the personal self. That said, the personal self is most frequently involved in agreement with these perceptions. The personal self is the conduit through which the perceptions are made manifest and the evidence supporting these perceptions are confirmed. The body’s eyes do not know of ‘tragedy;’ however, the thinking mind first confirms the possibility, labeling tragedy as existing by certain means or ways. Then as the body’s eyes see, the mind attempts to fit the evidence into the matching representation. Thereby, while all bodies can agree that ‘tragedy’ exists, this experience is not the same for every body, at equivalent times. Yes, these ‘defining moments’ happen seemingly instantaneously – as quick as breathing or blinking, but there is a process, nonetheless. Begin to notice this process and your experience of body-time-self becomes more still, while the radiance of your reacquainting with Self beholds a quickening. The world’s witnesses can show you all identifications that the mind thinks it wants. Just take a look at ‘the news’ and your thoughts will get all the presumed ‘confirmation’ they need. This is why, in our unlearning together, we must pay direct attention to the thoughts that we perceive. Let us look at our illusions together, so that we can choose again beyond them. Let the thinking mind bring forth its witnesses. Let them march in front of you like the tin soldiers they are in time. Together, we use these revealed play things for your gain, identifying their lack of strength. We watch as they quickly tumble together in line. Their tiny guns and disorganized moves, can affect you no longer.
New comment Feb '24
0 likes • Jan '24
I have experienced what is excruciating difficult to express. After getting into deep meditation ( for lack of better words) I experienced what I would call a swoosh, the sensation of dizziness, loss of equilibrium and my inside being vacuumed “out” to some great void. A powerful mist trying to dissolve my being. Loosing my bodily senses, my skin… This has started a couple of months ago and happened 5 times now. Every time I felt enormous fear as well as a choice to giving in, but to what ? Surrender and follow that force but where ? Fear always made me reopen my physical eyes and get “grounded” re attach, back to a world I do not understand very well. I have never felt this before and I feel awkward trying to articulate with words what is so powerfully beyond words. The worst part is this strong feeling that I have a choice to invite the phenomena at will and a choice to let it follow its course but not having the courage or the faith in that it is All for my best interest…, My huge Ego/Mind scream that all I am experiencing is «dangerous » and not »normal » I don’t know about what is what ? Up or down ? Should I quit my meditation for a while ? I don’t do drugs at all. I quit plant medicine for a couple years. Anyone can relate out there ?
1 like • Feb '24
Thank you. Lesson 32, providence.
1-10 of 19
Fanou Genson
346points to level up
I want to see the real world. Anywhere, everywhere.

Active 16d ago
Joined Oct 25, 2023
Ibiza Balearic
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