How Do You Provide Value If They Have A Skool?
👉 Question: "When I prospect on Instagram, 99% of the people I find only have a link to their skool community (either paid or free), or a calendly link where you can schedule a call with them. No newsletter and no sales page that I can do anything with. What do I do in this situation? These prospects look really promising but am I just not looking hard enough? What value can I give to these prospects?" 👉 Answer: If someone has a free skool community, they're still collecting email addresses. When you click join on a new community, it asks you for the name, email, etc. And if the prospect isn't sending emails to that list of people, then they're literally throwing money down the drain. Sign up for the skool and see if you get any emails. If so, offer value around their email marketing. If not, offer value around getting more ppl in the skool (ex. IG scripts, captions, a better landing page, better skool VSL, better skool about page, etc.)