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17 contributions to LTC Ashram
LTC Breathwork Series - 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 10/29
This is a 4-week ACIM focused breathwork series on Tuesdays at 12pm EST beginning 10/8, and is hosted by our very own LTC Year 1 Student, @Tina Marie Bertoli! Join this event by going to the Calendar section! Tina is a Breathwork Facilitator & Intuitive Counselor who has traveled the world teaching and touching lives in over 20 countries. Breathwork became her sanctuary and her healing tool as she faced an aggressive breast cancer diagnosis. Breathwork gave her the ability to heal trauma, fear, and darkness—and emerge stronger and brighter on the other side. Tina’s spiritual path evolved through A Course in Miracles (ACIM), but it was the Living the Course Community specifically that truly opened her heart to experience Oneness and unconditional love. Now, Tina is honored to gift the transformative power of Breathwork to her LTC family. Tina “believes… “Your deepest wound is your greatest strength. Becoming truly embodied and getting intimate with your breath is the very first step..."
New comment Oct '24
LTC Breathwork Series - 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 10/29
1 like • Sep '24
@Tina Marie Bertoli @Living The Course how long are the sessions? I already have some clients scheduled 90min after the start time and curious so I can decide if I want to reschedule them... 🤔💕 looking forward to this! Breathwork has changed my life, too 🌺
0 likes • Oct '24
@Tina Marie Bertoli thank you! That works great!!
Journaling with Lesson 49
What is God’s Voice? Source’s Voice is the Pure Knowledge of You as Extension, as Creation. God’s Voice is more than words, in fact words themselves as symbols or enunciation that ‘speaks’ is actually a very limiting representation. God’s Voice is the stillness of Certainty. God’s Voice is Awareness of Truth. God’s Voice ‘speaks’ through a multifactorial nature, beyond words or sounds, but uplifting feeling of Radiant JOY. God’s Voice is felt in ‘every single cell’ of Your Beingness. Hearing God’s Voice is an active listening to the Witnessing of Truth. God’s Voice speaks to you all through the day simply because Source does not, has not abandoned You. God is in Constant Awareness of Creation. Source is in Certain Realization of All That Is Extended and so is in impermeable connection with You. God’s Voice testifies to Your Truth. The willingness to hear God’s Voice is the choice to ‘tap in’ to the Reality of Self and All Creation. I have spoken before about the ‘ancient forgotten song.’ This comparison is a metaphorical representation of The Call, which I have shared before as a representation of Source reaching out to the Whole of Creation. The Awareness of Truth is another way of stating this validation; yet, in essence this is a never-ending Connection between Source and Same-Self-Source. The Call or the Song is like a ‘call and response’ in music. Source expresses or extends and Same-Self-Source answers or affirms. If utilizing Biblical references, God’s Call would be simply “I Am” and Same-Self-Source would respond “That I Am.” One Voice in essence, One Creation in Truth. Today’s practice is an attempt to consciously remember this eternal flow between Source and Same-Self-Source. Today, as you become still, you in your conscious choice are reaching past the clouds, the shadows, the busyness. Here, you are purposefully quieting the mind, beyond the thinking mind, beyond the incessant judgment, cacophony, or narration of the body-time-self experience. Use time today to notice the noise and observe the stillness. Watch the ‘world’ within for where your quietness rests, as if you are walking between the raindrops or hearing the pause between the notes. Then as you become more aware of the ‘in-between’ choose to simply go deeper into this space rather than be distracted or tempted by the other ‘sounds.’
New comment Feb '24
2 likes • Feb '24
Journaling with Lesson 44
God is the Light in which I See is a lesson in meditation. This practice begins the disciplining of the busy mind, the one that is almost too distracted to write down these words (laughter). Nonetheless, you are coming along well. Even just a few brief minutes of this lesson will do you well. The idea overall is to help you recognize that there is a way beyond the thinking mind and a way beyond this personal hell. As we have shared before, the thinking mind seems to instantly produce distraction in the form of judgment, beliefs that tempt you away from Peace, self-critique and many other forms of self-torture. Any distraction from Peace is equal in its effects to return you to the mistaken identity, no matter how brief or mundane in nature (like wanting to eat dinner while you journal). Yes, Beloved, anything apart from Truth is NOT Truth. Pure and simple. The sooner you can accept this simple Teaching, the easier committing to Truth will feel. Today’s practice will do wonders for the desire to be at Peace, once accepted. As noted, the ‘untrained’ will find today’s lesson to be challenging because there is little time that you have spent in Peace and do not actually recognize Peace as purposeful. In fact, the thinking mind determines Peace to be threatening. Why? Because turning towards and accepting Peace leads not but to the utter destruction of the thinking mind. The thinking mind has had humanity in its misbegotten grasp for millennia! Time had been the measure of this reign and as the years pass by, not a single solid awareness of Self has won out. Ah, yes, many a master has come and gone.. come and gone.. only to find their teachings shared and not completely replicated. Let’s be direct, if any actual master had ultimately succeeded, there would be no reason to be writing these words or perceiving to be where you consider yourself to exist. Don’t get Me wrong, I’m not saying that the best known ‘spiritual masters’ of and beyond this conditional world are ‘failures’ no, this is not correct. All that I am saying is that indeed there remains work to be done. There are many who are more committed to disharmony than Peace. There are many more, a myriad more, who are simply afraid. This is not a judgment or condemnation in any form, only a recognition.
New comment Feb '24
1 like • Feb '24
ACIM workshop to reveal "holy love"
Join Mark Anthony Lord & Maria Felipe in the "Healing Your Relationships - Embracing Miraculous Love" workshop! 🌈 Explore the teachings of A Course in Miracles and unlock the power of forgiveness and compassion. 🕊️ Discover the purpose of relationships and gain practical tools for nurturing harmony and unity. 💖 Don't miss out on this enriching experience! Secure your spot today! CHECK IT OUT AND REGISTER HERE: #ACourseInMiracles #MiraculousLove #RelationshipHealing @markanthonylord
New comment Feb '24
ACIM workshop to reveal "holy love"
1 like • Feb '24
I had the same experience with attempting to register. Figured I would try later too 🥰
Journaling with Lesson 27
Today’s practice represents, with direct clarity and instruction, exactly the outcome we are choosing to achieve: your commitment to choosing Truth. Above ALL else, I want to See. How can any other goal be equally as valuable? Consider the following instruction in case you have challenges with today’s practice. If, there were moments throughout the day when you were unable to stay on task, take a breath, focus within, and review the other replacement goals or activities which were on your thinking mind today. Yes, distraction is easy and True Sight is not defined by your mind, in a concrete manner, in your current experience. Therefore, making disciplined time to realize Seeing ABOVE all else really does not make much sense to you at this moment of time. Above all else… what is this Sight and what is all else? The thinking mind analyzing asks, “How can I ask to See, when I am not blind?” The thinking mind does not recognize its own blindness. Every circumstance, attribute, body that the thinking mind ‘sees’ is given definition. These objects and subjects are clearly and easily, if not instantly, judged. The objects and subjects then contain ‘understanding’, long before they can be doubted. This is why forgiveness and choosing again is far from easy. By first allowing for forgiveness and then bringing the practice to consciousness practice, Your unlearning mind is literally turning itself on its heels to ‘imaginatively’ go in the opposite direction of every thought ever recognized. Your thoughts seem instantaneous. These thoughts ‘just appear’ without hesitation or a personal self choosing them. Walk down any street and briefly look around. Immediately your brain will be flooded by narrations of the objects seen and experiences perceived. “I know what this is for… and this… and this…” No doubt here, right? For me to say that you are doing this to yourself makes zero sense. But yet, here I am not only Guiding you to this self-admission; but also, letting you know that you are blind. Sounds insulting! Rationally, what lunatic would dare listen to My words. We are not even bringing up the fact that the words being written down in this moment’s conversation are coming from the same seeming ‘inside my head’ experience. How can you be asked to choose between when the evidence is so confusing?
New comment Jan '24
2 likes • Jan '24
Above all else, I want to see! 💗
1-10 of 17
Diana Grace
79points to level up
I am deep surrender, love and light, experiencing and expressing and remembering through play, adventure and laughter 🦋❤💫IAM

Active 11d ago
Joined Dec 24, 2023
Wenatchee, WA
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