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School of Fitness

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3 contributions to School of Fitness
Hi, I want to buy a slamball for my home gym. They don´t have any at my work gym so have you got any tips for how to know what weight to buy, and should I buy several or is it enough with one? Thanks heaps 🙌
New comment Jul 24
2 likes • Jul 24
I tend to use a 20lb slam ball for exercises that have more than 10 reps or are based on time. But also like a 30lb one exercises under 10 reps.
How to Level Up on School of Fitness
Hey team, I just wanted to get on and explain how leveling up works here on the School of Fitness. How do I get points? ENGAGEMENT! Points are earned when others like your posts, comments, and replies. 1 like = 1 point for the author. What is the points required for each level? Level 1 - 0 points Level 2 - 5 points Level 3 - 20 points Level 4 - 65 points Level 5 - 155 points Level 6 - 515 points Level 7 - 2,015 points Level 8 - 8,015 points Level 9 - 33,015 points As I continue to rollout more content + course in the future, the point totals above will become much easier to obtain so long as you are staying engaged with the community. Please let me know if you have any questions on this! You are the best - keep it going 👊
New comment 17d ago
1 like • Jul 24
Thank you, looking forward to learning and pushing myself!
How to Succeed Here
If you are new here, welcome! I am so excited to have you a part of our tribe ✊ 1️⃣ Leveling Up! This platform is built out to reward you for your hard work. So, the more content/courses you complete, the more valuable content you will get access to. Each time you complete a course, you will unlock another level that will give you access to resources to help you continue in your growth journey. 2️⃣ Leaderboard: In order to promote and encourage a healthy learning environment + promote some competitiveness, we have our "leaderboard" feature that will track how much you accomplish while you are a member of the School of Fitness. Not that learning is a competition - but let this aspect of our community inspire you and keep you accountable to yourself in your growth journey! 3️⃣ Engagement: My hope is that you won't just join and drift away without ever engaging in this community. Please feel the freedom to post, comment, and engage with other group members as well as complete all available course work to give you the tools you need to be successful in your own fitness journey. 4️⃣ Connection: Find ways to connect and engage with other group members! We may be a "virtual" community, but there is so much power in connecting with like-minded people who are all pursuing the best versions of themselves. Share your struggles, lift one another up, and allow this to be a place to get inspired and motivated to get a little better TODAY! Thats all team - I am pumped you are here. Go get it today 💪 Happy learning + training!
New comment 11d ago
How to Succeed Here
2 likes • Jun 11
Looking forward to leveling up and growing alongside the community that’s on here! Thank you for sharing all the great content with us on here!
1-3 of 3
Daveed F
15points to level up
Hi Y’All, I’m Daveed from Brazil 🇧🇷 I’m an ex-collegiate athlete that is looking to be challenged and pushed to make healthier shifts and habits.

Active 78d ago
Joined Feb 23, 2024
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