Was awakened around 130am via a phone call from my oldest needing a ride to the emergency room. My mama bear response was quick and definitive, “I’m on my way”. Once her partner arrived at the hospital, I was able to come back home (3am) and go back to sleep. Before closing my eyes, I turned off my 5 AM alarm (and the two or three that follow that to make sure my ass gets out of the bed) & listened to a short YB meditation to go back to sleep. Fast-forward, I’m awakened by an alarm and see that I have missed an 8 AM meeting. Quickly got it rescheduled for 9 o’clock. Got up, made coffee, ate breakfast, did my call, and now I’m back on my bed. Not entirely sure my point here, except that my day didn’t start the way that I like for it to. Nothing like having a big old wrench thrown into the works of my day to make me aware of my attitudes, actions, reactions. Not gonna lie, I’d love to sleep until this time tomorrow and start over again. But I know I can spin gold from the straw remnants of my day. Here’s to meditation, the feelings, good, bad, and ugly, and the ways they bring me closer to self and my ultimate good.