How I Got My First IRL Person Excited to Say YES to Skool (Thanks, Hormozi)
You all know me as the "faceless" presence on Skool, deciding to build from scratch with no ads, no social media, and no network. From helping Jason Derulo on Skool to running two of my own communities while being a single stay-at-home mom to a three-year-old, I have stayed committed to Skool. Some of you who know me well are aware that I have passed up major opportunities to stay true to it. There was one person from my previous network that I had been talking to about Skool for over a year. I showcased everything that made Skool cool and why it should be the top choice for starting anything online. But convincing someone very close to me who had seen my success on Kajabi wasn’t easy. So I took a page from Alex Hormozi's playbook. Last year, I saw he was really going hard with showing proof from the Skool Games and how that really helped with conversion. Whether or not that was the direction they continued to take for Skool, the proof factor still remains strong. But getting proof from clients isn't always easy. Then I connected with @William Renner, who happens to be an excellent video editor. He's also very likable and easy to feel comfortable around. Well, it turns out he offers what is called a proof party. It's where people who have worked with you are invited to a Zoom-like session where William casually talks to them about their experience so he can capture their authentic stories, and he edits the videos for you. Of course, I bought a proof party, because to me, that was a no-brainer. Once I received the full-length video, I sent it over to the person I had been trying to convince as a little update on how things were going for my community. Well, let me tell you... my phone lit up with message after message about how powerful it was to witness, how much they connected with the stories, and how proud they were to see the impact firsthand. If you haven't guessed it by now... the IRL person is my dad. My dad and I have always shared a love for entrepreneurial adventures. He was the first to back my very first real business by showing up one day with two beehives in hand, which left my mom worried and speechless. I think we have attended more in-person conferences together than I can count, brainstorming business ideas and supporting each other’s ventures. But getting him to see the potential in Skool wasn’t easy. He has seen me make clients seven figures on Kajabi, and since we have a Kajabi founders account, he didn’t see why I would choose something else. That all changed when he saw the proof party.