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Owned by Ben Grant

Fortune Frequency Forum

Private • 434 • Free

Sound self improvement—for conscious creation. Find your fortune in health, wealth and love with guided meditations, binaural beats and affirmations.


The Skool Games

Private • 14.6k • Free

Skool Community

Public • 201.6k • Paid


Private • 91 • Free

199 contributions to Skool Community
Private vs Public? What is best for your group?
A (very) short story... I was in two minds. On one hand I figured having my set to 'public'—where anyone looking at our group could read the chat—would be good for discoverability, and then...on the other hand... I thought setting the group to 'private'—so only members of the group can see the chat—would be better for encouraging more sharing; more vulnerability maybe? And so, since launching the group last May, I have gone between settings. But as of TODAY we are set on PRIVATE. And that decision was made based on the feedback from a couple of members who expressed how they would be more inclined to comment more, and share more in the chat, if the group was set to private. So it was an easy decision in the end. Because I am here to serve the group over and beyond Google SEO results. Yes, I want more people to discover our group but not at the cost of engagement and, most importantly, trust. How about you? Is your group open for non-members to search and scrutinise, without committing to join? Or is your group for your members' eyes only.
13 members have voted
New comment 2h ago
Private vs Public? What is best for your group?
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@Amanda Saunders The great thing is it is so easy to change, at any time. Once your group grows a bit you can get feedback from members and decide what is best for you all then.
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@Luke Gilbert Yeah, nothing needs to be set in stone re privacy. Though I am confident that the way ahead for my group is private. Our social media channels are all 'public', right; so there is plenty of material out there for potential members to peruse if they want to, before making a decision to join a group or not.
How I Got My First IRL Person Excited to Say YES to Skool (Thanks, Hormozi)
You all know me as the "faceless" presence on Skool, deciding to build from scratch with no ads, no social media, and no network. From helping Jason Derulo on Skool to running two of my own communities while being a single stay-at-home mom to a three-year-old, I have stayed committed to Skool. Some of you who know me well are aware that I have passed up major opportunities to stay true to it. There was one person from my previous network that I had been talking to about Skool for over a year. I showcased everything that made Skool cool and why it should be the top choice for starting anything online. But convincing someone very close to me who had seen my success on Kajabi wasn’t easy. So I took a page from Alex Hormozi's playbook. Last year, I saw he was really going hard with showing proof from the Skool Games and how that really helped with conversion. Whether or not that was the direction they continued to take for Skool, the proof factor still remains strong. But getting proof from clients isn't always easy. Then I connected with @William Renner, who happens to be an excellent video editor. He's also very likable and easy to feel comfortable around. Well, it turns out he offers what is called a proof party. It's where people who have worked with you are invited to a Zoom-like session where William casually talks to them about their experience so he can capture their authentic stories, and he edits the videos for you. Of course, I bought a proof party, because to me, that was a no-brainer. Once I received the full-length video, I sent it over to the person I had been trying to convince as a little update on how things were going for my community. Well, let me tell you... my phone lit up with message after message about how powerful it was to witness, how much they connected with the stories, and how proud they were to see the impact firsthand. If you haven't guessed it by now... the IRL person is my dad. My dad and I have always shared a love for entrepreneurial adventures. He was the first to back my very first real business by showing up one day with two beehives in hand, which left my mom worried and speechless. I think we have attended more in-person conferences together than I can count, brainstorming business ideas and supporting each other’s ventures. But getting him to see the potential in Skool wasn’t easy. He has seen me make clients seven figures on Kajabi, and since we have a Kajabi founders account, he didn’t see why I would choose something else. That all changed when he saw the proof party.
New comment 2d ago
How I Got My First IRL Person Excited to Say YES to Skool (Thanks, Hormozi)
3 likes • 5d
Wonderful and inspiring story...of persistence, really. Thank you @Jenna Ostrye
Boost engagement with this simple move...
One easy way I've found to boost engagement is a simple move... You literally MOVE content from your Classroom to your Community Chat. Bit by bit. One post at a time. Maybe not ALL of your content but see what you can move into the chat feed , as a post with hyperlinks to relevant material. You may also find that in the process of doing this you discover what is ESSENTIAL about your group; what are the elements within the Classroom that you are most called to, as the creator, and what elements the members are most responsive to. For example... I have a 'Daily Practice' section with short videos featuring healing frequencies, binaural beats and affirmation coaching. They are divided into categories and frequencies like 396Hz/Root Chakra/Affirmations for security and grounding or 741Hz/Throat Chakra/Affirmations for empowered self expression. I created new meme's for each category (like the one attached below) and chose ONE affirmation for each subject/frequency, then posted that in the chat with a link to the complete video and all 30 affirmations. It is kind of spoon-feeding, yes—but it's also making it easy for me to come up with content; I look to the classroom and see how I can distill the essence of each module into a single post. Voila!! Is this a method you already use for generating engagement and getting extra value out of your Classroom offerings? If not is it one you might try?
New comment 5d ago
Boost engagement with this simple move...
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@Dylan Johnson 👍
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@Sarah Hankins Making it easy is our job right, Sarah! Thanks for your valuable comment. Love your calendar suggestion especially.
Inspiring community created content 🔥 ⬇️ 💛
This is what inspiration from your community looks like... It looks like YOU coming up with a new offer because of the direct feedback and input your members give you. I was recently offering a 7 Day Challenge for members to listen, 3 times a day to a guided meditation of their choice, inside the free community. Then some members said 3 times was a bit too much of a stretch to get started so could they do ONE listen a day. Yes, is the answer. And then other members said it would be good if we could choose ONE meditation for EVERYONE to do and was THAT possible for a future challenge? Yes, is the answer. And yet another member mentioned how much she liked a particular meditation—and it reminded me that a lot of other people had expressed the same affection for that particular meditation—and she wondered whether THAT meditation could be the ONE we all do. And you guessed it... Yes, is the answer. And that same member also suggested a starting date. Since it is a 'Love & Forgiveness' themed meditation why not start on February 14th (Valentines Day). Yes, is still the answer. So now I have my new offer ready to go. Created directly from my community. And I'm pumped for it! 💛 How about you? Have you had a similar experience of organically creating a new offer with your community? Love to hear how it came to be.
New comment 7d ago
Inspiring community created content 🔥 ⬇️ 💛
2 likes • 8d
@Gary Fitzgerald Good points, Gary. Thank you.
1 like • 7d
@廣為人說 林
How many groups is too many?
Do you care how many groups a new member applicant is in? For example if they are in over 100 other groups do you think maybe they are just kind of 'collecting' groups, rather than genuinely interested in participating? What if they are in another 30 or 40 groups? I mean, there's only so many hours in the day, right? And do you ever look at the contributions a member applicant has made to those other groups they are already a member of? Very interested to know your views on this.
New comment 6d ago
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@Edris Tucker, AFC just my opinion, Edris. From personal experience.
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@Nika Nika 'Overthinker' for Level 1—love it... Let's see...what else for a Level 1? 'Perfectionist" 'The Timid Type' 'Toe Dipper'
1-10 of 199
Ben Grant Mitchell
5,126points to level up
I help empowered high-achievers become happier higher-achievers.

Active 2h ago
Joined May 7, 2024
Byron Bay, Australia
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