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The $1M Client Club

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A community for business owners looking to build a $1M/Year lifestyle business with more freedom, more happiness & better clients.


Skool Community

Public • 72.7k • Paid

4 contributions to Skool Community
Skool Due Diligence
Is Skool 3x better than MN at this level? I’m drawn to Skool and also want to be making a smart choice re: fund allocation. @Sid Sahasrabuddhe
New comment May '22
1 like • Mar '22
@Ted Carr notification system was more robust. MN saw notifying members as beneficial (more call attendance, resource consumption, engagement). But MN had other problems which is why I’m here 🙏🏻
0 likes • May '22
@Taylor Floyd I actually just left SKOOL for Discord. Was way too lacking in everything I needed.
Feedback - email notifs
Some quick feedback. I know I always harp about automations, but would love if users got a simple email notification when a new module (or set) was added. "Your host Ryan has added a new module titled <ETC>. Click to visit the new set/module." Not spammy, and would drive engagement, course completion. Just another idea. Thanks!
New comment Mar '22
1 like • Mar '22
@Nick Guadagnoli a once weekly broadcast is not enough for keeping a group engaged
1 like • Mar '22
@Sid Sahasrabuddhe Great, thanks brother. Will try ASAP.
Feedback Post #2 - Increasing Engagement
I just wanted to give some UX feedback again, following up on my first post. This post is designed to give feedback re: directly increase engagement. 1. The ability to send mass-DMs to your community with notifications (the once-weekly email is not enough, and it kills engagement. This platform isn't new, people are not familiar with it, and emails don't cut it. The ability (like on Mighty Networks) to send a group-wide DM would be huge. 2. DM automations. To help with on-boarding, I'd like the ability to send DM automations. I.E Day 1 get DM telling people how to use the program, day 2 get a DM telling people which videos to watch, etc...You get the idea. 3. Post scheduling (saw someone else mention this recently, and I think it's a must-have). I like to theme posts for each day, and being able to do it all on ONE day and automate for the week would be great. 4. RSVP to calendar events (show who's going to an invent, being able to opt-in to receive email reminders to it). Would increase attendance. My entire point is that if you can't email, or message people more than once, you can't automate, feel like engagement will always be kinda low since this is a new-ish platform, and people haven't made it a habit to check. Obviously don't want to SPAM members, but once a week is crazy without reminders etc... Anyways. Have a bunch more but will save for another post! Loving SKOOL so far. Happy to help.
New comment Mar '22
1 like • Mar '22
@Nick Guadagnoli 1. It's partially for announcements/notifications and also for starting conversations. I run a community, and sending periodic "Checking in to see how things + if you need anything" type blasts would be invaluable. 2 & 3. I print the steps on the top of the feed, but I used to run a big community on Mighty Networks, and sequenced DMs is a net-benefit to users I think. Schedule 5-10 onboarding DMs that help people get best uses out of the program during the first few weeks. Don't see any downside (caveat would be I run a paid-community, not a free one, so people have paid + want to hear from me). 4. Event reminders, and being able to remind community-members about things. On Mighty Network, zoom calls had like a 30-40% attendance rate. Here? It's like 5%. I like SKOOL, but makes it hard to keep an engaged community when everything to designed to prevent that. Thanks for listening to my feedback Nick!
[Feedback] Just switched to Skool after previously using Discord + MightyNetworks, and a variety of other communities. Had communities with thousands of members on Facebook too. Love a lot of things about Skool. Just a few minor things in terms of feedback: 1. Making adding events to calendars quicker. A simple "add event" next to the settings icon on the calendar would be huge. Same goes for courses - should be a "settings" or "Edit" tab next to each video in the classroom category if you're the host. Having to go classroom > settings > edit set is just an extra unnecessary step. Again it's minor. Just my two cents. 2. On longer posts, having a "click to see more" option would be cool. You can't really tell if the post is longer without clicking, It's a minor thing, but just improves UX bit. 3. Being able to tag @everyone in a community would be a neat feature. 4. Being able to assign incentives to leaderboards & points (I.E I want to giveaway a 1-on-1 call to someone who's at the top of the leaderboard after 30-days). 5. Improved onboarding for members of your community. Would be cool if you could switch on a mandatory onboarding feature when someone joins - "watch X amount of videos to get access to community." Most wouldn't use this (I would). Have a bunch of other minor feedback etc...but just thought I'd drop these. Anyways, I really like this platform. Keep it going!
New comment Feb '22
1 like • Feb '22
@Ted Carr 3. Only the host, yep. 4. Description box, tiered incentives etc. Would be fairly easy to add I think. 5. Agreed.
0 likes • Feb '22
@Michael Kittinger Yes. MN had some cool features, but was clunky, the DM feature wasn't that great & found people didn't really enjoy communicating on it, so I had to have separate discord to encourage discussion.
1-4 of 4
Ryan Booth
17points to level up
Helping founders create a $1M/year lifestyle business.

Active 461d ago
Joined Feb 17, 2022
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