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Holistic Product Tester Group

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8 contributions to Holistic Product Tester Group
4 likes • Jan 12
Yep because if they keep us sick they get more money for pushing prescription pills that don’t work only mask
Thyroid and Herbs
Courtesy of the Holistic American Health Academy herbaliist Shani Lisenbee! For Thyroid awareness month... Thyroid Health: A Key to Your Well-Being and How Herbs Can Support It The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck, but it plays a major role in regulating key functions of the body, such as metabolism, energy production, heart rate, and temperature control. It produces hormones (T3 and T4) that influence almost every cell in the body. Thyroid health is critical for overall well-being, and when the thyroid is out of balance, it can lead to conditions such as hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) or hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid). Fortunately, there are natural ways to support thyroid health, including dietary adjustments, lifestyle changes, and the use of herbs that promote hormonal balance and provide nourishment to the thyroid. Let’s explore how to keep your thyroid functioning at its best, and some of the top herbs that can help! Signs of Thyroid Imbalance Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) symptoms: Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) symptoms: Herbs That Support Thyroid Health Several herbs have been traditionally used to promote thyroid function, boost metabolism, and support hormonal balance. Here are some popular ones: Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) Bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus) Guggul (Commiphora wightii) Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum) Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) Sea Kelp (Ascophyllum nodosum) Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) Supporting Thyroid Health with Lifestyle Changes In addition to herbs, adopting a healthy lifestyle can go a long way in supporting thyroid function. Here are some tips to consider: Diet: Ensure your diet is rich in nutrients that support thyroid health, such as iodine, selenium, zinc, and vitamin D. Foods like seaweed, Brazil nuts, eggs, and lean meats are excellent choices. Exercise: Regular exercise, especially aerobic and strength-training exercises, can help improve thyroid function and metabolism.
New comment 23d ago
Thyroid and Herbs
7 likes • Jan 11
I haven’t heard of most of these but I do drink tea every day with lemon balm and ashwagandha in it 😊 I’ll have to add the other ones in as well since my doctors suspect thyroid issues but won’t check on it 🙃
NEW FEATURE: Holistic Resources!
I previously mentioned changes happening in the group, especially the classroom section. We just added a Holistic Resources section in the classroom loaded with valuable content! We'll be adding a few more new sections in the classroom and adding some rewards too! When we are all done, we will make a formal announcement and create a new video explaining everything. For now, this is the next benefit to this group we are releasing now. Attached are screenshots of what we have inside the resources section. In order to gain access to this new course, you must be a level 2 member. In order to level up, you need to earn points. You earn points when someone likes your comments. I am VERY generous with handing out likes/points. If you see someone's comment you like, reply to them and like their comment. Most likely that will trigger a return like/point. Many of you are already at level 2 and now have immediate access to the Holistic Resources Section! Curious About Your Level? Here’s How to Check! Head over to our leaderboard page to see your current level! There, you'll spot a badge with a number next to your profile picture – that number is your current level. To the right of your picture, you'll also see all the levels you can achieve through your posts and interactions, along with the exciting prizes you’re working toward! Here’s how it works: Skool Points - Points: You earn points each time a community member likes your posts or comments. 1 like = 1 point. This encourages quality content and engaging with others! Levels - As your points grow, so does your level! Your current level is displayed at the bottom right of your avatar, while the points needed for the next level are visible under your avatar on your profile page. Here’s a quick look at what it takes to level up: - Level 1 – 0 points - Level 2 – 5 points - Level 3 – 20 points - Level 4 – 65 points - Level 5 – 155 points - Level 6 – 515 points - Level 7 – 2,015 points - Level 8 – 8,015 points - Level 9 – 33,015 points
New comment 25d ago
NEW FEATURE: Holistic Resources!
7 likes • Jan 11
This is wonderful thank you!
Book Cover - Main Dishes Healthy Recipe Book!
Alrighty, we are just about done the Main Dish Recipe Book design. Here's the cover. Which one appeals to you? Which one would more trigger you to buy if you saw it in a store? Please cast your vote below and comment if you would like to add or remove an element of the design. In about 1-2 weeks, I'll have the finalized book for sale at 50% off for beta tester members FIRST, before it goes to the public market and on our shopify store. Cast your vote and leave a comment below! 👇👇
95 members have voted
New comment 27d ago
Book Cover - Main Dishes Healthy Recipe Book!
9 likes • Jan 9
I voted orange because like Jennifer stated it jumps at you however I do personally like the look of the blue too. Maybe do MAIN DISH in orange and the RECIPE BOOK in the blue 🤔
3 likes • Jan 10
@John Oshua you’ll have to let me know if you end up doing it 😊
Foods with Highest Vitamin C
Article reposted from Holistic American Health Academy member, Chryl Davis. When it comes to foods rich in vitamin C, most people picture oranges, grapefruit, and kiwis, but this essential nutrient isn’t exclusive to fruits. Known for its immune-boosting, skin-protective, and antioxidant properties, vitamin C is also abundant in several vegetables. Surprisingly, these overlooked sources often contain just as much or even more vitamin C than their fruity counterparts, making it easier to meet your daily requirements. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for this vitamin is 90 milligrams for adult males and 75 mg for adult females. Without adequate vitamin C intake, individuals risk compromised immune response, impaired wound healing, increased susceptibility to infections and potential long-term health complications due to the body's inability to produce or store this crucial nutrient, 1. Yellow Bell Peppers Vitamin C: 342 mg or 380% DV Yellow bell peppers top the list as the vegetable with the highest vitamin C content, offering an impressive 342 milligrams in just one fresh pepper.2 This amount covers 380% of the recommended daily value for adults, making them an outstanding choice for meeting and exceeding your daily vitamin C needs. As a reference, one navel orange has almost 83 mg. But yellow bell peppers bring more to the table than just vitamin C. These vibrant veggies deliver exceptional nutritional value through their rich complement of antioxidants like beta-carotene and lycopene, which contribute to reducing inflammation and supporting cardiovascular health, 2. Broccoli Vitamin C: 101 mg or 112% DV With its tree-like appearance and dark green florets, broccoli takes second place, packing 101 milligrams of vitamin C in each cup.5 This generous serving provides 112% of your daily vitamin C requirements and a rich array of health-promoting compounds. Beyond its vitamin C content, this cruciferous vegetable contains sulforaphane, a potent phytochemical with demonstrated anti-cancer properties, and a robust profile of additional nutrients including vitamin K, folate and fiber.
New comment Jan 12
3 likes • Jan 9
@Leslie Westbrook that sounds so good!
5 likes • Jan 9
This is amazing information. I can’t put products with vitamin c in it on my face or I break out so eating foods I already eat and have no reaction to will help to get it in still
1-8 of 8
Ashley Blume
10points to level up
I am a stay at home mom who’s sick of being sick. I’m on a mission to make 2025 a year of homesteading and organic lifestyle to help myself and family

Active 26d ago
Joined Jan 6, 2025
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