What if there was a degree in Parenting?
Why does nobody say, "You're not qualified to parent because you don't have a degree in parenting?" My hunch is that it’s because we all know that statement is ridiculous. Reading a book about parenting does not make you a parent. It may be helpful and informative, but nothing you learn in that book will make you a parent. Do you know what makes you a parent? Being a parent. You first become the thing, then you embody the role. No amount of theoretical knowledge of parenting can replace the applied knowledge that comes from experience. We can all improve, but we have to embody our role as parents first. Preparation is good, but it can only take you so far. So why am I asking thi Because some people attack homeschooling and some of you might even feel that as parents you are unqualified to educate your children because you don't have a teaching degree or certificate. Anyone who has ever had a student teacher knows well enough, that a teaching degree weighs far less than experience when it comes to being a good teacher in the classroom. I say all this because if you take anything you've ever done with your children where the word parenting could have been used, and simply replace it with the word "teaching," then what you'll realize is you've been teaching your children all along. And no one has more experience doing it than you do. So if you decide to homeschool, remember you already have years of experience teaching your child compared to any other potential teacher. If you prefer video, I say it all HERE